I Find Primalunas Ugly. How about You? Is there an alternative?

The curved cage on Primaluna amplifiers is extremely ugly. Their shiny cases do not help. Visually, they are worse than forgettable. I like the look of Line Magnetic amps, but they sound terrible. Is there a decent alternative?
Check out www.zestoaudio.com. I've had the opportunity to listen to their system several times. I have the Andros PS1 Phonostage in my system since 2012. I would definitely transition to their pre-amp and monoblocks if I had the money. I'm considering upgrading the Andros to the Tessera because I have two tonearms, both with MC cartridges. I'm kind of tired swapping the cables. The Tessera supports four connected tonearms and you can simply flick a switch.

And I love the way that they look. But then again, I'd be happy with the Primaluna as well
Defiant-Your response indicates  you "don't get it"

"troll" is not meant as a desparaging remark.Wait, Im explaining myself...

If you can't understand what I meant by "this troll"....apolgies. We just have your words to go by, so I take it at face value. You're reading these responses, others here are essentially interpreting your opening remarks as I have.

Just listen to a PL system WITHOUT the cage, it will look pretty much the same as a LM piece, then report back to give a thumbs up or down.

Sound quality and aesthetics, ultimately are subjective.
No one here, has your ears and perception

Otherwise,research and listen to as much as possible. Consider used, and ignore listing prices, while RESPECTFULLY submitting your offer. Everything is negotiable.


Defiant " As as regards the LM518, I remember reading a less than stellar review in the Stereophile magazine. JA found the amplifier to be noisy. While the rest of the review was passable, I have a strong preference for very quiet amplifiers."

My 518IA is dead quiet; and if you had any tube hum, which I haven't had, there's a hum adjustment on the top of the amp. 

There's other reviews on the 518 , 219 that you might want to check out, along with Agon member commentary in the FORUMs

Many thanks. Just two follow up questions.

* Which amp is better in your view, LM518 or LM219?
* Are LM amplifiers quality products? I am troubled by the fact that  JA discovered so much noise in his review.