Reference disc player...UDP 205 or Marantz?

Hey guys....
I've decided to take the plunge, and get my last reference disc player--at least for a very long time--and I'm looking for opinions on the subject.
I really wanted to get the Marantz SA-14S1, it sounds fantastic for sure, but I started to read all the glowing reviews on the Oppo UDP-205. Is it just hype, or the real thing? Is the Oppo really that rare piece of equipment that punches that far above its price? Who here has listened to the oppo and/or the Marantz? How do they compare? 
One thing to consider might be going the modded player route. Modwright can modify either the Marantz SA8005 or the Oppo 205.
I have the modded Marantz player and its really quite impressive and
when you factor in the cost, even more so.
Thanks for that cmach. You're the second person to recommend a modwright player. I may look into that because it may be the most cost effective way to get into upper tier players.
I just checked out the modwright website. Holy Christmas! 2495.00 for a mod of either the oppo or the marantz 8005. I'm sure it's awesome, but wow. I don't think I can afford the Oppo mod, because it will end up costing about 3700.00 total, and I can't justify that. But the marantz 8005 could be a possibility. 
I have the Modwright 205 and love it. If you don’t need a transport and HT, the Modwright Oppo Sonica is the exact same DAC but not as expensive.
I don't think I can afford the Oppo mod, because it will end up costing about 3700.00 total, and I can't justify that.
Don't forget the month or more it takes to do the mod and you're without the Oppo, the voided Oppo warranty, plus the possibility the mod goes awry.