What makes you build a system around an amplifier?

Serious question. I almost always care about the room and speakers first, then build around that. However, this is not the only way to do things.

If you have ever insisted on keeping your amplifier, but were willing to change everything else around it, please let us know why. What made an amp so outstanding in your mind that it was worth making it your center piece. Imaging? slam?

Be specific about the amp and speakers or other gear that you shuffled through.


@willemj , I agree with you in regard to the Quad ESL57.

Though some never find one, I think acquiring a transcendental product anchors one's system.  I've always thought the loudspeaker the most likely candidate.  But in the past generation, I find the number of unique and more interesting loudspeakers have declined to the degree that much more of a chance exists today for a power amplifier to serve that role.

I've owned quite a lot of amplifiers.  The Jadis DA60 comes closest to an amplifier I would build a system around.  Fortunately, it also mates beautifully with a wider range of loudspeakers than most.  Charles has long touted his 300B based amplifier becoming that for him, and found his happiness there, and many others have shared their stories.

But in the end, for me, it's the Quad ESL57 that so far outclasses any other component I've encountered, loudspeaker or amp, that it will serve as the foundation of my system for as long as I can see
I find the Music Reference idea ingenious! :) Why use a coupling cap and transformer, when driving an ESL with tubes? Drive them directly, and let the ESL become the coupling cap.

Hope someday I get to hear them.


I get the idea of building around an amp, but that is only something I came to after going through several. Solid state years ago, through a variety of tube gear (modded heathkits, modded Dynacos, Fischer, McIntosh) to Naim and finally to Devialet. In part because I love the way the Devialet sounds, and also because I realize, or I found, that you can change speakers all you want, but the quality of the power and control often gives the results one is looking for in changing other components. I also, now, feel that way about digital sources and cables.