What amp. to use with Totem Forest?

Picked up Forest speaker last night. I am currently using a Hafler XL600,lots of power. I would like hear what poeple are using.
I know that Totem and Sim are thought to like each other. I also heard the Forest driven by Classe to great effect. Go Canada.
I would like an amp. with a remote volume control. What about the stuff from Krell? I am only using one digital input(Sony DVP9000es).

I would suggest getting Plinius 8200 integrated amplifier that is probably the most valuable integrated amp that can beat separates in its price range. Krell/Forest combo seems to be too edgy and too bright to me.
How would the Anthem Amp 2 Spec Edition work with the Forests? I don't have the dollars for the Plinius at this time.
...than more reasonable will be bryston 3b-st that you can later-on add another one to use them in horizontal bi-amp.
Bryston does its minimalistic job perfect and doesn't cost $$$$$.