A battle between two turntable generations. Which one is the winner?

Being an electronic and acoustic enginner, I've worked for well renowned Companies in Germany, that led me to listen to all kind of analog equipments, from turntables to tonearms, cartridges... I love the analog sound!

While I've had the EMT 927 and 930, the SP-10 of all versions, VPI's, Thorens, etc... I ended with my reliable Garrard 301, that I bought brand new in London, England. Believe me, a well engineered plinth for the Garrard 301 transforms the 301 in an outstanding turntable.

Time passed and my beloved Fidelity Research FR-66 SS tonearm was substitued for the magnificent (and a bargain!) Trans-Fi Terminator (best linear tracking tonearm I've experienced). When I felt that it was time to change the Garrard 301 for a new one and based on the positive reviews, I emailed Bruce McDougall, the designer and owner of ANVIL turntables to quote a turntable that could suit the Terminator Tonearm. (Linear tracking tonearms need a VERY stable plinth to perform at best) because I would like to compare the Garrard with a contemporary turntable without breaking the bank.

The ANVIL comes complete (you can name it "turbinated") with adjustable motor board (adjustable string tension), adjustable arm board, the new bearing model and the proprietary magnetic levitated footers.

To make real comparisions, the only thing that I changed was the Garrard 301. Victor Patacchiola's tonearm (Terminator), Audio-Technica AT50ANV Limited Edition (the most natural cartridge ever!) and Steven Huang's Audio Sensibility Impact SE phono cable remained the same.

The main LP that I used (and accostumed with it, too) is a fabulous recording of Switzerland's vocal jazz "BRIGITTE BADER MEETS JOHNNY GRIFFIN", very very rare limited edition by ARS of Germany. Many japanese audiophiles that I know use this recording to "tune" their systems. If you come across this LP, please buy it! This is an all analogue recording made with purist techniques and direct recorded on a Studer B67 recorder.

Although the Garrard + Terminator show their positive potential on track 3, "HOW LONG HAS THIS BEEN GOING ON", (oh) boy!... the Anvil + Terminator is in a different league: it transformed the already perfect soundstage in an outstanding presentation. All the authoritative bass present in the Garrard (probably due to idler wheel drive??) stay there, but with tonal nuances never heard before. The Anvil is unbelievable quiet with perfect speed stability . Certainly the new bearing and a massive platter contributes for a clarity on complex passages that I have not ever experienced before. At $3700.00 (the price that I paid for the Anvil "turbinated with accessories") is a bargain if compared with some turntables that uses plastic, MDF (oh my God!) and other "fancy" materials. The Anvil is of all metal construction and is HEAVY (about 60lbs) and certainly this contributes for the supreme results.

I'm not affiliate with ANY companies mentioned in this review. I'm just a passionate audiophile searching for the best and this combination made my ears smiling!

Would you like to share with me, fellow Audiogon members, your impressions and thoughs about your phono system? Cheers!, Jose.

Which TT are you going to mount the Trans-Fi on? What air source are you going to use?

BTW, just finished listening to "Bidin’ My Time".. what a wonderful record!

Slaw, I recently got myself a VPI HW-19, the second one I’ve owned. I had an original Mk.1 (with a Mk.2 black platter) in the late 80’s/early 90’s that I was quite happy with, but sold it when I got a Townshend Audio Elite Rock (Mk.2). This HW-19 is a Mk.2 (but with black acrylic top plates, not MDF) with a TNT Mk.3 platter (3/4" aluminum, 1/2" black Delrin/acrylic) and bearing. I have Herbies Tenderfeet and SIMS Navcom Isolators to try in place of springs, and I may make a DIY SAMA motor pod (I have a big ol’ chunk of lead I can use, or maybe a VPI Magic Brick). VPI’s are particularly good for straight-tracking arms, whose considerable mass wreaks havoc on the soft suspensions of light-weight tables as it moves across the record.

I got and have been using the Rock specifically because of it’s particularly appropriate design for use with Decca/London cartridges, which I have been using exclusively for decades. The designer/owner of Trans-Fi was until recently himself using a London Reference, and pics of that cartridge on his arm really caught my attention, and aroused my curiosity. I’ll put my Reference on the VPI/Trans-FI, and my Super Gold Mk.7 on the Rock/Zeta. That should make for an interesting comparison!

Vic sells an air supply to UK and Euro clients, and provides info on same to N. American users on the website. The design of the arm requires only a low-pressure system, unlike the ET and other air bearing arms. Less noise, no moisture---a big advantage.

I have to get over to Music Millennium and pick up Chris’ album on LP. They have the latest Rodney Crowell on LP too. They moved their LP area from the upstairs loft down onto the street-level floor a while back, and every time I go in the LP section is bigger than the time before. Maybe it’s not a fad, but a growing movement! Portland’s a pretty hip city, with a lot of young people wanting to be cool. LP’s are, at least for now, cool.

bdp and all, I have used the Trans-Fi arm on my VERY soft/sensitive ORACLE DELPHI MKII w/ relatively light spring suspended subchassis with outstanding results in sound quality. Although the mass of the arm´s wand ass´y w/ carrying saddle is about 100 g as it moves across the vinyl, this practically does not affect on anything mechanically not to mention to sound quality.
Actually it is impossible to see any movement of the suspended sub ass´y during wand´s travel across the vinyl surface. Of course, the suspension of an ORACLE must be PERFECTLY balanced. AND the arm as well obviously. This is the wonder of vintage ORACLEs, perfect balance also with a certain modern linear TA .
All that "linear trackers don´t work with light subchassic tables" is woodoo IME since 2008.

My years of experience with my VPI Mk IV/ET 2.5 ended up being a lesson in several aspects of what has become my foundation of what I perceive as the basis for basic audio system set-up. (The more compliant the plinth, (as in the VPI w/springs,) the more issues I had with the ET.)

(There is some misleading info out there as to what pressure an ET arm uses. Bruce can optimize the end users arm for a wide range of air pressures. This may depend on which iteration of the ET one has, a larger diameter spindle/manifold..etc...) For example, a friend of mine bought the larger diameter spindle but had Bruce optimize the air pressure for his situation at 7psi. In the end, I don't think how one chooses to deal with the pulsing or moisture differs from one design to the other.

I’m not up to date on the recommended air pressure of the Trans-Fi.

Good luck.
The lower mass of the Trans-Fi vs. the ET does, I’m sure, make a big difference in one’s application.

(BTW, I’m good with supporting the local record store but the difference between $13.00 vs. $23.00, no contest. Using this method, you could buy my moisture/pulsing control method in as much as ten lps purchased through your local store.)