Dealers hijacking the discussions

I’m a very long term member and look at the forums most every day. I’m personally extremely irritated by dealers injecting sales pitches into the discussions which has never really been a problem before. Dealers are biased as it’s the nature of business and this is fine but I don’t go to audiogon to see shameless promotion. There’s one guy in particular that needs to go away. The fact that you’ll all know who it is says volumes about the amount of posting this guy/dealer does on audiogon. Does anyone feel as I do. Just curious.
Ah there you are Gr4blu, the ever defensive audiophile.

You blow out of proportion the intent of these posts. We mentioned casually in a post where the OP wanted to put a pair of Alexia in a room that was way too small for them, that he should consider listening to a pair of Persona 9H which use active room correction to ensure good bass response and they cost $22k less then a pair of Alexia.

It is up to the OP to determine if that bit of information might encourage the OP to check out a product that he wasn’t considering.

This lead to a huge back and forth confrontation between you and our people. The  reality of it is the chance that the OP was even in our territory, was remote at best.

If you can save someone $22, 000.00 dollars and get them a set of speakers that they MAY prefer or like as much that would acoustically work in their room, would be to most people a good thing, but not to you as you cry foul as someone is trolling a Wilson post, what if the OP after reading that post actually went and heard those speakers and found to his surprise that the Personas did sound to his ears as good or better and he managed to save $22,000 do you think he would maybe be happier than if he never read the post?

Most people do not think of Paradigm as they have never until now have built a reference line of loudspeakers, same thing with Legacy they have very few dealers even though their products constantly get high praise in the magazines.

As per the Sasha post we said to someone who was questioning wether or not a set of brand new Sashas was better than a 25 year pair or Proacs to check out all of his options, and so we mentioned a few good ones which we sell and a few which we don’t.

The fact that the OP wasn’t convinced enough to purchase the speakers says volumes about that you don’t read, he had doubts so maybe the Sashas weren’t doing it for him 100% or maybe he was concerned that his electronics or room wouldn’t match. Did you reach out and talk to the man?

You who have never actually worked with me, or been to my store you have no idea, to you everyone and everything is "salesmanship" you complain about excessive talking as a crime. Most people who purchase audio love to talk about gear and technology.

As per my SBS days I was the most sucessful salesman there because I interviewed my clients to determine which products or systems would suit them the best and whenever possible to introduce less expensive or higher value products if those products sounded fantatic for the money.

Some people don’t actually get it, we are bound by territorial restrictions and many people reading these posts we can never sell to.

As I mentioned before these products are just tools if you can find a better one you may consider the wiser move to just move into a new one.

As per hijacking Wilson threads or hijacking any thread most people really don’t care, If you didn’t attack us the post would have been one quick mention why don’t you also consider x y or z but you have to constantly attack and so rebuttal leads to rebuttal.

Moral of the story who really cares? If Wilson is the best or Magico or Paradigm or whatever you buy what you like, and most people buy what they are exposed to.

I am willing to bet there are Mercedes drivers who have switched to BMW and vice versa, if you wispered to a German car guy in the emerging days of Lexus and Infintiy that these new high end Japanese cars are great and they challenge the best German cars, and they cost less, you know what it, caused Mercedes and BMW to revaulate their products as they started to lose market share to these new marquees.

Dave owner
Audio Doctor NJ

Post removed 
Does this make it better. Why dont you check out brand y they cost $22k less and have magic technology designed to make tight bass in a small room and who knows you might like them and save yourself a lot of money you could invest elsewhere.
Well, some of us are invading their invasion, so ..
I think in this particular thread dealers/manufacturers have more freedom to say whatever they want to say. Given BMW/Mercedes choice I'll take Jaguar any day. Or Aston Martin. And Lexus is an excellent supermarket car, no doubt.
Well said Inna notice if anyone gets so heated in the car arena.

I know a lot of car guys and many own lots of diffent cars sometimes at the same time.