Dealers hijacking the discussions

I’m a very long term member and look at the forums most every day. I’m personally extremely irritated by dealers injecting sales pitches into the discussions which has never really been a problem before. Dealers are biased as it’s the nature of business and this is fine but I don’t go to audiogon to see shameless promotion. There’s one guy in particular that needs to go away. The fact that you’ll all know who it is says volumes about the amount of posting this guy/dealer does on audiogon. Does anyone feel as I do. Just curious.

Anyone but me notice that “Report this” link on posts?

Exactly what does that do? Shouldn’t that provide a solution for untoward comments, shilling, blatant pitches?

I seem to recall this site did have a feature that allowed a poster to block a particular members post to any thread they generated. Then the site was re-arranged in ’10 and things haven’t been the same since.

This blocking thingy might still be about in member’s profiles preffs, or somewhere. If not, it should be brought back.

I spent a number of years in the military and as a result in some small part, so people could exercise their constitutional rights.

Conduct however is not a right, it’s a result of motivations and or character. People will always ‘reveal’ themselves and their motives. Just watch. It will be quite obvious what folks are about in due time.

It amuses me current communication trends have migrated towards extreme brevity in social media Texts, etc.. 140 characters. Or less. Friend me, follow me, tweety me. You first, after me.

If this click click attitude is allowed to continue pretty soon we’ll all just grunt or flip signs . or imogees. I’m going with ‘grunt’. When it becomes official of course.

According to some of my teacher friends who have students in 10 – 12 grade levels an overwhelming number of their kids can barely read at the grade level they should then be proficient. Apparently, America is already reading on an elementary school level.

I blame McDonalds. They started this nonsense decades ago putting up all those pictures of food you can order but can’t get. Well, not like what is in the photo.

McDonald’s menu has not changed since Moses was in short pants, but people still get to the register and stare at it trying to make up their minds.

Shees. Place an order totaling $7.35, hand them a $10 bill and two quarters and they give you the “”this is not $7.35!” stare and call for a manager.

Wanna confuse the clerk? Tell them what you want rather than picking a number off the menu. Of course it will cost you more that way as they can’t put all that info together into a meal option, and will instead, order it up ala carte.

Not long ago at a local ice cream shop I heard a person asked for a hot Fudge Sunday with extra hot fudge and the clerk said, “we don’t do that! Our hot fudge only comes in one temperature!”

Attention spans and communication skils are visibly eroding at alarming rates.

A lack of open or appropriate communication skills is why people get divorced or eaten by monsters. Well, that and if they are wearing red shirts in star Trek series. Walking backwards, red shirts, and no one yelling, “look behind you!” or “run!”. Folks are dropping like flies and there is still someone who is gonna slowly start walking backwards in the dark, in the joint where all their buddies have been found dismembered and apparently no longer interested in current fashion trends, Bingo. Another dead guy.

Don’t got time to read lengthy posts in forums?

Just wait, grab the pad when ya visit the throne or while driving to and from work.

Everybody does it. That’s why they put air bags in cars!

Life is too complicated and too short to be too serious too often. The actual context of info being transmitted here is often technical or from one context to some other. It may take more than 140 characters to provide it. As well, some folks are not able to satisfactorily in their heads and on the page simply be routinely succinct.

Personally, I’m all about brevity. But that’s just me.

If @gpgr4blu and @audiotroy would just refrain from responding to one another, threads of this nature would not be necessary.  Their disagreement is not about policy or posting etiquette, it's personal - take it off line
One thing ,unless asked specifically by a potential buyer or forum member
dealers interjecting their opinions- bias , should not be allowed.
what really angers me is if a dealer don’t like comment ,they cry to moderator .$$ vested interest ? It seems to be many times.
i have had  one of my comments removed which was accurate and non threatening ,but it is ok where in forum rules dealers are not supposed to interject any bias .double standard, but Still Do, and allowed to is BS. 
We are supposed to be in a democratic society,not pay for play !!
originally these threads were setup with the intent of fellow forum members 
to share opinions ,and offer help or advise .
@brf. You are very wrong. If audiotroy would stay out of threads instead of pushing his products in so many threads then there would be no need for gpgr4blu to intervene. You should be thanking gpgr4blu for taking the time to stop the disgusting tactics of audiotroy.

Btw audiotroy is still crying to moderators to delete posts he doesn’t like, which they do so this site is complicit in his shilling unfortunately.
@bar81 .....+1.  Even The Roman Empire fell.....the way this site is headed IMO .....definitely a possibility.