Dedicated Red Book CD player vs. "Universal" type players....

I surmise this discussion has been debated a fair amount but here goes....I'm searching for the "final" cd player. Red Book playback is important to me as I have an extensive cd collection and am not into computer based sound (yet). So, I don't mind grabbing and popping those silver disks into a player. What are my fellow Audiogoner's thoughts on a dedicated cd player vs. the universal (see Oppo) type of player? Does a one-box solution sacrifice some cd playback performance trying to be a jack of all trades? If so, can you hear that difference? Input and comments most appreciated!
In the end, it's all about your own level of sonic perfection required.  Get the Oppo, break it in and then, maybe 6 months to a year down the road, compare it with a really good redbook player or DAC.  You'll either say - wow, this dac is amazingly better or a little better, or no difference.   But nobody can predict that until you listen.  Enjoy the Oppo.  I'm thinking of getting one myself.  I would like to play my SACDs and DADs again.  
Yeah, question is which Oppo now :) BDP105 or the newer versions that just came out 
Yeah, question is which Oppo now :) BDP105 or the newer versions that just came out

If budget doesn't compel you to do otherwise, you want the UDP-205. Many owners of both unequivocally state the 205 is better sounding. And it should, given the more advanced DAC chip.

I have an Esoteric UX-3 CD,SACD and DVD audio player which is my LAST player.  It is built to very high standards, includes an r to r ladder dac and sounds incredible.