preamp upgrade vtl 2.5 vs. hegel p20

I currently have a Mcintosh mc275, vtl 2.5, teac ud-501 dac, auralic aries streamer and clearadio concept turntable with all nordost interconnects and cables. I'm considering upgrading my preamp with possibly the hegel p20. Any suggestions on whether I should keep what I have, save for something better i.e. McIntosh pre or go with the hegel.
I do like the tube sound but have a case of upgrade-itis.
Well said, I guess. Us lesser folk tend to get our listening experience from listening and not reading magazine reviews. The best I can do here is comment on the 2.5. I would consider it a fairly under rated component. It comes alive with music and has exceptional pacing. It's the kind of preamp you use to show people why they need a good preamp. I can't imagine someone not being happy with it.

I've never had the chance to listen to a Hegel. I would expect to like it given some comments I've read, but I can't say for sure.
Why not upgrade to the next level VTL pre? Isn't Hegel SS? There is that change to consider. I have a VTL 7.5iii and it is steller, and I am sure the next notch down in the line would be outstanding. They make a high quality product. I for one always prefer a tube pre.

What did you end up getting? i have mc275 and im looking at the same preamp the p20.