Best tube preamp ever

I am trying to invest into a preamp. I would like to get the best of the best of tube preamps. Can anyone comment on what or which brand I should be looking at if money was not an object.
Thank in advance!

Super Old Thread, but similar seekers may want to check out the MP-3 Fully Loaded or even better the MP-1 from Atma-Sphere.

I would highly recommend the Caddock Resistors and Vcap Upgrades. The MP-1 Pre-amp is a Destination Pre-amp for me it can easily run circles on pre-amps that cost 3-4 times higher.

We are talking about a 26K Pre-amp (Fully Loaded with Phono). The MP-3 is a small contender which fully loaded will give at least 90% of the performance at much less hit on your wallet.

I've heard most of the top tube pres.  I have had the Convergent Audio Techologies SL1 Renaissance w/ Phono for about 4 years.

It won't be leaving for a very long time.......probably when I do

The best, in a cost is no object system, would have to match my taste, my other components and my operating requirements (remote control, balance control, etc.).  That can be done best by finding a builder who makes stuff that sounds good to you and having that builder then make a custom linestage/preamp that specifically fits your requirements.  I had the builder of my linestage put in remote control of volume and a balance control.  I also opted for transformer outputs that match the transformer inputs of my amp (other buyers from this builder have opted for capacitor-coupled outputs or having both types of outputs).  I have also seen and heard other interesting linestages from other custom builders includes some with highly unusual features, such as a two-way crossover.

I own personally and I am a huge fan of the Aesthetix Io phono stage and the Callisto line stage.