Has anyone compared ZU mission vs Event speaker cables (and interconnects)?

For the time being, I'm just takling ZU cables. I'm not looking to compare other brands at this point. My next upgrade over the December holiday season will be speaker cables. I'm running Zu Omen Defs with Canare star quad. The Zu events are stretching my budget. Just wondering how a huge difference between Mission (and Libtecs) and the Events.

After new year I'll start looking at interconnects and ZU's are on my list there as well.
Are you saying they sounded better than the Tempo Electric solid silver cables? I've been looking at those.

Zu, like Schiit, are pretty good at marketing their merchandise. The higher up you go, the better the sound reproduction gets.
Zu has an Ebay outlet where you can get some of the earlier models at significant discount.
I will wait for a sale from Zu and go for the Events. I have yet to see Event speaker cables on ebay (from the Zu store)
Yes, they are better sounding in the context of my present system. When I had the Tonian Labs TL-D1 speakers, it was a toss up at first, depending on the music, but in the end I preferred the Zu Events. 
The Tempo Electric are a very fine sounding speaker cable and so simple in approach and execution. They edged out the Zu Mission SCs with my older set up.

All the best,
Mission speaker cable are something like $300 and the event $600 more.
I took apart the mission years ago and beside the nice techflex covers, they have nothing more nothing less than a good belden speaker cable in terms of look, dielectric and copper content, at least not enough to make a difference in system performance.