Ohm Walsh Micro Talls: who's actually heard 'em?


I'd love to hear the impressions of people who've actually spent some time with these speakers to share their sense of their plusses and minuses. Mapman here on Audiogon is a big fan, and has shared lots on them, but I'm wondering who else might be familiar with them.
rodm_2001 - Thanks.  I actually prefer a gradual roll-off of the high frequencies.  The 2000s do in fact fit that bill.  In fact, a recent cable upgrade has made the 2000s brighter, alsmost too bright.  A borderline situation.  I do have a decent amount of room behind the speakers, and a little less on the sides.  Also, my ceiling is only 6' tall.  And my low frequencies are surprisingly smooth and extended without any EQ, thanks to a pair of subs in the front corners that were designed(!) to go in the corners.  When I get my amplifier back, I will revisit all of this.
Nice used pair of microwalsh speakers in Joseph audio room at cap aud fest today. For $500. I’m tempted. Jos audio again one of the best sounding small rooms at the show.  Other show specials there as well including a nice pair of used Bel Canto ref500 amps.  

Map - Did you buy them?  I saw a nice pair on ebay recently with starting bid at $900.  I bought a somewhat beat-up pair of MW Talls a few years back for $375 - Audiogon seller in Brooklyn, so i picked them up myself.  They are my surround speakers.  But $500 for a minty pair is a deal.

Agreed - Joseph Audio makes some great speakers, which you can appreciate if he is not blasting them at 120 dB, as he often does.

No. I was very tempted but had no real need what with two larger pair already.

I did buy a Chord Mojo portable DAC and a nice aluminum 45 record adapter and some music.

Also I got to hear German Physiks for the first time. Those are speakers I could live with but very pricey. The sound was spot on in every way running off Merrill Class D amps. They had a prime spot in a somewhat larger room that was right off the atrium. They have a new US distributor located in North Jersey so perhaps they will start to make a bigger showing here now.

I also heard Tekton for the first time. Double Impacts I think., I liked those very much as well. 10 watt tube amp had them playing nicely in a smaller hotel room. These could be the ticket for someone with a lower powered amp that wants more sound for the dollar. Not a lot of WAF appeal though. I found the sound very engaging. MEAT ON THE BONES which so many smaller setups often lack and perhaps just a nice smidgeon of warmth. Only problem with these larger speakers in the smaller room was I could hear location of individual drivers though the overall soundstage and imaging was quite good.

The Vanadoo powered speakers sounded very good for their size and represented a very good value. Also had a nice discounted show price as did Benchmark again this year (10% off)

In all most rooms had good sound. Class D and tube amps were often the culprits and hard to distinguish without looking. One or two rooms perhaps that I thought clearly under performed.

I still say these shows need to promote more of a range of gear at various price points to draw more people. The vast majority of gear was very pricey still well beyond what most normal people would consider. Lots of good sound but I found myself often questioning the value proposition. Very nice show for an audiophile in any case.

How do you like the Mojo?  I have been pondering buying an ifi Black Label DSD DAC, for home use, not portable.  This is a a direct competitor to the Chord.

I really like the German Physiks.  That dealer/distributor is Larry Borden's Distinctive Stereo, a home-based dealer in River Vale, NJ.  I have been there with my audio club and heard the GP speakers.  Very impressive, and Larry, a former reviewer, knows how to set up speakers.  He is also a really nice guy.  The New Jersey Audio Society is meeting there again in January.  Let me know if you would like particulars.  You can see his very large demo room, and meet some of the crankiest, funniest audiophiles in the country!  Merrill of Merrill Audio is also a member of our group, and attends many of our meetings.

+1 on the Vanatoos.  I heard them a couple of years ago, and decided if I ever need a pair of compact, powered speakers, they're it.

I think I am going to try to go to the CAF next year.  I have a brother in MD who would probably join me.