Does a new cd transport require break-in time?

I just ordered a new Cambridge CXC transport to go along with  Gungy DAC.
Does it require any break-in time?
The Oppo is now able to turn on.  The problem had something to to with the power cord. .(too complicated to go into now.)

However, I’m not getting any sound from the Oppo or the Cambridge transports at this point.  The problem is obviously in the Gungnir DAT which is not working at all, regardless of what inputs I use.
I’ll have to return it.
It’s certainly caused me enough aggravation.
@ rvpiano ,

Did you make sure you set the digital input on the DAC to the correct digital input?
Last night you said the optical cable was working. That would indicate, last night, you had the input set to the toslink cable optical input. Using the toslink, optical cable, make sure you have both ends plugged in all the way and then make sure the digital input on the DAC is set to toslink. An LED light should light up on the front panel indicating the optical input has been selected.

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Also, you may have already tried it, did you try unplugging the DAC for a few minutes and then plug it back in?
If what jea48 suggests doesn’t fix anything, one thing you could do is connect the digital out from CXC to digital input of the Oppo and use Oppo as a “DAC”.  This would at least confirm that CXC is working properly.
Yes, I tested the inputs several times, and unplugged it numerous times.
I spent so much time on the floor in back of the stereo all day yesterday that I developed a huge blood boil on the top of my foot where I dragged it to get up.
Just came back from the foot doc who lanced it and put me on antibiotics.
Who said audiophilia is not a blood sport?

Meanwhile I hooked up my old Theta DAT with the Cambridge spinner and the sound is very warm but not as refined as the Gungnir Multibit when it was working.
I’ve yet  to call Schiit about the problem.  Will do that now.
In addition to many CDPs I've owned, I've also owned 3 CD transports and numerous DACs. I don't recall any of the transports requiring significant break in time.