What should I buy to replace my Herron VTSP 1

would really like to find a used Calypso. Any other ideas in the Low to mid $2000 used? Also would like to stay with tubes.
There was a couple of used Calypso Preamps advertised here last week.  Not sure of price.
     I havent heard the 9.0 Anniversary,but I did own the original 9.0 SE. I moved up to the LS100 and found it to be a nice improvement. As a plus, it has an excellent tube phono stage, an $800. option.
The Herron has gained the reputation as an excellent sounding and performing tube preamplifier. So moving to something else may simple become change for change sake, which we all sometimes want or need. Personally, I have a few ideas, but want to hear a bit more from you, first, if possible.

Where do you currently stand in terms of sonics, and what sort of change would represent an actual and successful upgrade? Also, what power amplifier and loudspeakers do you have?
i'm not sure I can answer all your "sonic" questions intelligently. I have Aerial 8 speakers and a Rogue stereo 90 with super magnum upgrade. The herron is a nice pre. i don't know that i'm setting out to upgrade or just "change" as you suggest. the thing i don't want to do is go backward. i want nice quiet, good separation, neutrality. I want a nice deep bass extension without booming. when I ask a question like this I guess it helps if a person owned one and made a move and was really happy.