Please suggest bookshelf with best bass response under $4000 pr.

Lately, I've been craving deeper, tighter bass. I'd like to hear some ideas for replacing my Silverline 17.5 monitors. Is this a stupid question, due to inherent limitations of driver size imposed by typical bookshelf dimensions, or might I actually do better with another speaker? Amplification is Wells Audio 150 watt SS Majestic integrated. Source is aging Jolida JD100 tubed cdp (in new year, I plan to replace this with another SS cdp or a transport/standalone dac combo). Thanks ! 

The Totem Mani-2 used to have the most impressive bass I've heard out of a monitor-sized box.

None of their current stand-mount options are specified below 40 Hz.

I'll second Dynaudio for big punchy bass out of a small box. I'll also throw in the Guru QM10/2. Really fun and great voiced little speaker with lots of bass. Dynaudio will play louder. 

Proac's as someone mentioned already. 

 AudioNote AN speakers are all stand mounts and the AN-E's go very deep indeed (effective bandwidth from 18 Hz to 23 kHz at -6 dB) The smaller AN J's go to about 25hz If your patient you can get the AN-E Lux in your price range and the J's are new starting in your price range.

PMC have some very good small speakers with transmission lines that go fairly low as well.