Tastes change with age?

Felt old, today, when I was seemingly unreasonably annoyed when a kid drove by in a rattling junk car with a boomin' system.  Pretty sure the kid thought it sounded good.

It's unreasonable, because I may or may not have once been a kid in a rattling junk car with a ridiculous set of subwoofers who may or may not have thought it sounded good at the time.  I guess tastes change with age, wisdom, exposure, and experience.  A "friend" might have once been able to stomach some Mad Dog 20/20 Orange Jubilee but now thinks he appreciates terroir.

Aside from perhaps having more "disposable" income as "audiophiles" age or moving with technology, might others prefer different types of music/gear than they once upon a time did?


I understand. I was being a little tongue in cheek. I really don't have any love for his music anymore, or much respect for him either, but I do know that it is just my own taste and others still enjoy his music.

When I was a kid, I was totally immersed in Black music, especially the blues.   I used to listen to the all night blues stations under the covers so I wouldn't wake anyone else. It was a station inside of a record store at Vernon and Central in South Central Los Angeles. The DJ's name was "Huggie Boy." Their sponsor was Mister Jim's BBQ. Mister Jim's motto was ... "You need no teef to eat ma beef!"  

Anyone remember it? 
As in life you are either getting better or getting worse , it would be strange if tastes din't at least modify over decades .
I have noticed that with druggies I've known they seem frozen in time .
Walking dead?
So true, schubert. Especially old potheads, who just can’t let go of the late 60’s, which they remember as being so groovy. Good riddance. I hated tie-dye and bell bottoms, hippie bands, and organic food (the worst thing I ever tasted was a pumpkin pie made with the innards of a real pumpkin). I did really like, however, tank top/wife beater t-shirts without bras that hippie chicks wore ;-).
Yep, I still listen to old hippie bands, or "Jam Bands" if you will. Luckily they keep putting out new recordings (usually of older concerts) so I'm not getting anywhere near bored with it yet, even after 40+ years. Right now I'm listening to a live moe. album from the 90's & loving every minute of it. Earlier it was JGB.   

bdp24, I did buy Brian Wilson's "Smile" cd on your recommendation. Although I'm still not a fan, I can see where the appeal comes from. He is very talented.