Audiophiles should learn from people who created audio

The post linked below should be a mandatory reading for all those audiophiles who spend obscene amounts of money on wires. Can such audiophiles handle the truth?

I really don't care that science hasn't caught up to our hobby yet. Maybe someday they will. Until then I'll keep enjoying the difference that good wire makes. BTW, what happen to the OP?
I hate to judge before all the facts are in but it appears it was a drive by. 

This roger-russell article has been discussed on the gon several times before with very similar outcomes. Really a waste of time, you either subscribe or you don’t and no amount of bickering seems to change that.
The roger-russell article is not relevant till science will be able to provide accurate tests for measuring:
Seperation between instruments
Quality of treble and bass
Soundstage quality
Level of details
Level of transparency 
Level of refinement 

All the" scientific " tests are not relevant for cables because they didn’t found a reliable scientific tests for the human musical skills hearing.