Does a new cd transport require break-in time?

I just ordered a new Cambridge CXC transport to go along with  Gungy DAC.
Does it require any break-in time?
Right. Just my .02, but.....

.....the Schiit Gungnir (and of course the Yggdrasil) have an indicator light (meant for user observation) that would indicate whether or not there is an "issue" (widely defined, see respective Schiit documentation for specifics). Therefore, and in the OPs case, if that light isn’t illuminated, he/she likely *does not* have an "external jitter issue", a "transport issue" or a "coax or particular input cable/source issue".



Is there anything you can report regarding the status of the Gungnir VCO/VCXO indicator light?
First, to answer the edit: question, the light does not go on with the Gungnir.

I have been having some incredibly bad luck with my equipment:

1. The new Gungnir stopped working.  It’s now on its way back to Schiit.
2. My Oppo 105D stopped working.  It’s on it’s way to Oppo.
3. The new Cambridge CXC transport is evidently having trouble with error correction. It skips or mistracks.

As I mentioned, for whatever reason, the most natural sound Ive been getting is from the combination of the Oppo and the Gungnir, both of which are out for repair.  So, currently I’m using the Cambridge with my old Theta DAC. The sound is actually fairly good but not as good as with the previous combination.

I don’t understand why the Gungnir doesn’t sound better with the Cambridge.  I thought it would. Maybe it is a question of break in.  Shrill is perhaps too strong a word for the problem with the sound.  It just seems lacking in fullness.

I’ll  try again when the equipment comes back from repair.

Sorry to read of your equipment issues. As you say, it would seem to be a host of bad luck. That said, and not knowing what is or isn't wrong with your Gungnir and Oppo, you might be pleasantly surprised when you receive those items back from the manufacturer. Perhaps the shrill sound you describe is related to the reason you have returned it to Schiit. Even if not related, it could conceivably be "mysteriously" fixed upon its return to you. Sorry I cannot be more help other than to provide good karma. Best of luck.
Thank you gdhal.
I can only hope. But I was very happy with the sound I was getting the way it was.
It would really be great if it got better.
Very strange that the Gungnir doesn’t sound better with the Cambridge CXC once I hooed up mine to my McIntosh dac the improvement was immediate and substantial with explosive dynamics and huge soundstage maybe it’s due my Tellurium Black coax cable which allows the CXC to perform very well ?