Which amp is best to drive Magneplanar 1.6's?

I am presently using a McCormack DNA 0.5 REV "B" to drive
the speakers which is very clear but I was wondering what
else is out there that would be better in terms of bass. I'm using a Krell CD player which is known for bass and
is connected directly to the amp. Any suggestions? Thanx.
I used a Plinius SA100 MKIII with my 1.6s and the bass is hard to beat, addictive really. I would not recommend a subwoofer which would be hard to match with the excellent bass the Maggies already have, if you heard that setup I think you would agree, as it was very balanced and detailed with a beautiful midrange. Some people use 2 SA100s and report it wounds even better and would have all the power you would want.
Another suggestion- CJ Sonographe 400, which is all solid state. ALmost too much bass for the bass-challenged Maggie MG12's (which valiantly tried and failed to produce anything more than distortion below 40-45 hz with the CJ), but the 1.6's will handle it just fine. Around $600 used.
I would definitely give the Odyssey stratos stereo or monos a listen. They are high current for those power hungry Maggies and they are very musical. The tonal balance should be just right with the quasi ribbon of the 1.6.
Bryston 7B-ST at about $2600 used. Friend of mine uses it with his MG 1.6 with great success. Clean, rhythmic and articulated bass with tautness.