Daber 2: better speaker in the world for $1k?

I've been listening at length to the NEW Daber Audio Monitor 2's, and I'm blown away. The clarity of the highs and the palpability of the bass despite the small size of the driver is knocking my socks off as I listen to DMB "Shake Me Like a Monkey". Is there a better loudspeaker in the world for less than $1k? How about for less than $2k? Just sayin....
BTW: I enjoy posts by manufacturers concerning their product as long as it's not a sales pitch. A lot of manufacturers won't post for fear of getting pummeled. It's a shame in my book.
Hi Finsup.

My calling attention to the manufacturer's own measurements is trashing a product or self promotion? Really? I didn't realize that directing people to Daber's Facebook page was somehow an affront to decorum.

I personally think that the monitor has excellent potential. They are using very nice components in the system.