Von Schweikert VR-1 & VRS-1 or VR-2?

Has anyone been able to hear the VR-1s with the VRS-1 sub?
The cost of this combination, minus stands, is the same as a set of VR-2s. Both speakers get rave reviews, but I'm curious as to what your opinions are. I have plenty of amplification for the VR-2s so power requirements aren't a consideration.
Tvad is right. The VR-2's require a lot of breathing room for optimum performance. Therefore, it will surely depend on the size of your room. If you have a small room or a lot of space restrictions, VR-1's + sub will be your best bet. Instead of moving around 2 floorstanders, you just need to worry about sub placement.
I'm just sick enough to feel that even the 2's need a sub! But another VERY good combo, for just a bit more, would be two LCR-15's with the VRS-1 subwoofer.
I recently emailed back and forth with an audio reviewer who heard the VR1 and the VR2 -- he told me the audio dealer he was listening to both speakers with said his customers prefer the VR1 monitors combined with the VR1 subwoofer. I found that quite interesting.
I auditioned exactly these two speakers and here is what I did. I flat out preferred the sound of the VR-2 to the 1's combo. Its not that the satellite-sub combo of the 1's didn't sound great, it did. I preferred the sound of the 2's

You must take into consideration your room of course, but in the end, the VR-2 and the VR-1 with sub are not interchangeable or equivalent. They sound different and you should listen to them before you buy. With speakers more than any other component you need to hear it for yourself.

Either should be pleasing.......and "Jtgale" is right.....he's bass crazy!
Hey David,
I thought you had already got the 2's? Guess your still deciding. That deal on the 2's seemed very good. Iv'e had mine now for about 3weeks(demos slightly broken in) and find them excellent.I didn't listen to the VR1 sub combo, but the coherence of the 2's is striking. You'll not be dissapointed. I think the bass is all there that you'd ever really need, of course subs would augment, but thats true for even most full range speakers. I bi-amped SS for Mid/woofers and running tubes to tweeters with great results. In my 19x22 room they are 54 in. from the rear wall(measure from the front of the spkr) and 8ft apart very slightly toed(not much) Big,Dynamic, smooth and coherent is how I would describe them, and they have some more breaking in to do. Make the call man, go for the 2's!