Upgrading digital source device is not easy

I am looking for recommendation for upgrade from Cary 306 SACD professional.

My current set up is Harbeth 40.2/Cary 805 AE/ Cary SLP 05/ Cary 306 SACD professional plyer
I am using MAC/Amarra 4.0 /  Halide Design S/PDIF Bridge USB-S/PDIF converter via coaxial input to CAry 306 sacd professional. Rega P8.
I am wondering what would be good upgrade for my digital end.
I have a lot of SACD and CD collection and I have 2t byte music digital file.
I want digital end upgrade but I have no confidence to have better sounds after upgrade  since this Cary 306 SACD Professional is really good one.
I will appreciate some recommendation.

You may want to check out the NEW PS Audio Direct Stream since they announced another firmware (or Operating System) update yesterday.

"PS Audio's digital guru Ted Smith has been busy during the six months since the release of the Huron OS, announced at the time as "revolutionary". How do you follow a revolution?

You get to work. By diligent effort Ted has managed to improve upon Huron, the best-sounding firmware PS had ever released. The new OS, Redcloud, improves upon Huron's already-exemplary spatial presentation, dynamic contrasts, and low bass. By better-linearizing low-level signals, Ted has managed to reduce residual noise and THD even more, with startling improvements to low-level resolution, ambient hall sound, and solidity of bass performance. Blacker backgrounds, immediately-identifiable concert venues, and incredible dynamic slam are all evident with Redcloud.  

As good as Huron was, Redcloud is far better. The improvements are immediately noticeable---as Paul McGowan put it, "it's a 10-seconder. You hear how much better it is instantly."
A used PS Audio DS can be upgraded for free to the RedCloud update. This thing also has ROON support via the Network Bridge II card. This unit is likely my next DAC.
I have only heard 3 DACS that I can remember as being something I would buy. My criteria are great fatigue free sound quality and value ($$$). I do not think it is necessary to pay a lot of money for digital. The three DACs I like are expensive but not outrageously priced. There are better sounding units than these  three but it is a matter of diminishing returns for me with the more expensive units.

1) Resonessence  Labs INVICTA MIRUS (the best sounding DAC to my ears, I have not heard the likely better Pro variant) $6K

2) PS Audio DS. I like this a lot too and the fact the Ted Smith is continually upgrading the OS along with the Network Bridge feature set make me want to get this DAC. $6K but many used units being sold for a lot cheaper. A review on the Darko site was stating that the Mirrus and DS are not starting to sound very similar after the upgrades to both.

3) Benchmark DAC2. I just sold it but I loved this DAC and the price was under $2K new. I am in the process of getting ready to buy a lot of audio gear and this DAC no longer had a role in what I need.

At one point I was thinking I do not need a pre-amp with one of these 3 DACs (all have volume control) but I have changed my tune on that and will look into pairing one of these DACs with an integrated amp for my office system.

Last week, I replaced my Benchmark DAC2 HGC + Parasound A23 amp with a Peachtree Nova 150 integrated (includes a DAC) and I prefer the sound of the Nova. This is solely related to the quality of the amp and better volume control of the Nova. However, it goes to show (to me at least) that you can get great digital sound without spending a lot of money. The Nova was $1100 used.

You may find the following audio story of DACs interesting:
