Store auditioning and then buying on-line from others. How do you feel about it ?

Doesn't look too pretty, but who cares, right ?
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as inna said, we're all nice and ethical on paper; when actual significant dollars are involved i'd suspect our standards become more flexible. for myself, as someone who provides service for a living i'm empathetic to the b&m retailers and, at least where they provide good advice and add real value, would pay a reasonable premium to patronize them. that said, i feel no moral compulsion to pay full retail at a generic big-box retailer simply because i auditioned the item there--they better price-match
I think, the idea of store financing is a good one, especially now. Even if I could pay, say, $16k for a new Gryphon Diablo 300 integrated I very unlikely would want to do it right away. You don't live without savings in this country. Five year financing on reasonable terms would be nice. I heard that in Germany they don't even have credit cards, all the financing goes thru stores. Unless it's changed.
Doesn't look too pretty, but who cares, right ?
Another asked and answered thread.
Are you asking to hear answers or answering to hear confirmation?
To your first question, it falls somewhere between bad form and stealing, IMO.
To your second question, my answer is "wrong."
"Who cares" is an unfortunate opinion.