REL Vs SVS for 2 channel music listening

I have Zu Omen Defs connected to a NuForce STA200 (class a/b) amp. REL has suggested a T9/i

SVS has a cheaper SB-2000 which seems to be closer for half the price

I've read numerous places that REL is way overpriced and SVS is great for music. I am aware of Zu's subs...would like to keep the price under a grand if possible. 

Assuming this is about an Antimode 8033. It will only equalize automatically. You insert it in the signal chain, plug in the supplied microphone and then start the measurement. It will generate a series of loud successive sweeps from very low to somewhere around 200 Hz and after a few minutes you are all set (you can increase the listening area with multiple measurements of you want to). This is done with just the subwoofer - you leave the amplifier and the main speakers off. After that you turn on the amplifier and you can start adjusting the subwoofer level and crossover frequency. These you do manually and either by ear, or by measuring in REW, just like you would do without an Antimode.
There are two current models of the Antimode 8033, the Antimode Cinema and the AntimodeS-II. For most people the cheaper Cinema model is perfectly fine (forget its inappropriate name), also for use with multiple (mono) subs. Do read the manual first before you buy, to see if you really need the more expensive model (I didn’t). In my case I had to connect it at speaker level at the amplifier side and at line level at the sub side, using an attenuating cable from amplifer to Antimode.
The whole process will not take more than say half an hour, is absolutely dead easy, and only requires that you read the manual carefully.
I got the SVS hooked in and I really love it. I'm still going to do some fine tuning position wise. I have it 95% there but ran out of time yesterday. BTW, the SVS RCA cables seem to be well built and really nice (i purchased seperate)
I believe I have them dialed in about the best a single sub can do for my space. I am going to purchase a second in january/ I have it to where sound seems to lean to 53% left and 47% right (placed behind left speaker.). I set up with mono sources. Really, I could live with it. I would say a general listener would not notice.

I'm amazed how the sub really adds a presence to listening. For my taste, the bass should sound cozy and warm. The sub adds that along with some punch. You can really feel Neil Pearts bass drum and the moog bass pedal on Moving Pictures by RUSH. The heartbeat on Dark Side of the moon has a little tiny bit of stomp to it (which i like). For now I have it dialed in. I may do some more changing later on...but I really like the results thus far 
I added an REL S5 about a year ago to my Tidal Contriva Diacera SE speakers and that really improved the room bass but then I recently added an REL 212 SE ....and kept the S5 for the lt side of the room and now the whole presentation is magical.i will,at some point,replace the S5 with another 212SE but for now, all is of the REL VPs came over to help with the room positioning which save me a great deal of trial and error.