20 Year Old Amplifiers compared to 2017

Just a random thought, but I’m curious just how well the state of the art solid-state amplifiers from 20 years ago compare to some of today’s better offerings. For example, what does a pair of Mark Levinson 33Hs or a Krell FPB 600 sound like if compared to the latest offerings from Pass Labs or Ayre Acoustics?
I am still using a pair of CJ Premier 12 monoblock tube amps from about 20 years ago.  They still sound glorious, warm and very engaging.  I've thought about having CJ upgrade the caps.  Any thoughts about this?  

I think they tended to build to a higher quality level years ago then they do now.  The quality of design and construction  not to mention they used the best parts available at the time. as the years go on the market is more about replacement then long term ownership. I know modern parts are better but I feel modern everything is built to be replaced sooner then later. there really is very few artisans around anymore.

you wont see 50 year old washers still working 40 years from now but I know of many 50 year old washers still chugging along today. Same thing with electronics really not made to last made to be replaced in a few years.   say hello to capitalism and cheep labour. so when's the new IPhone 11 coming out ;-)

That said there is still some great people taking care to make great products. I tend to stay away from the conglomerates that have bought up most of the successful older audio companies and mashed them together for profit reasons. Not that profiting is bad.  

I had a friend say that its too hard to make electronics really last more then 20 years reliably. I say bullpucky Voyager 1 and 2 are still transmitting and they have never been serviced in many decades.

20 year amps most are ancient history unless you are very nostalgic.Good luck though.  
I have mixed feelings on the subject, but in general, I feel there are not many changes or real improvements.  We do have Class D now and it has developed into a viable audiophile amplifier. I own an amp that I built with Abletec modules, it is quite good.  Class A or A/B .... What has improved is the linearity of parts,  better outputs, lower ESR caps,  these have offered us better sounding amplifiers.  
So what I am saying is the thing that would make a real difference is circuit design.  I can see someone coming along with a killer design and creating a incredible amplifier today, but in general,  solid state amps are indeed very similar for the past 30+ years.  
I had an old Sumo Nine that my old mentor Ed Martin from Marcof modded.  He went overboard with the replacing mediocre parts with best parts available plus increased the filter capacitance 3 times.  A few years ago this amp took a lightening strike and I lost it, but he has it and is working on using different outputs, but that amp would really sing,  I compared to many amps and kept going back to it.  On the other hand,  I've heard some designs modified and it doesn't matter how many parts upgrades you do,  the amp just didn't respond... So, a good design is where its at.  I think that there are alot of old amps that could be improved to compete with the best today. I also believe that with the improvements in parts designs that there are plenty of great things still coming. 
Thanks for this thread -- it's raising all kinds of points that make me realize how much I have to learn!  willemj started his post with a statement that I don't understand:
"Amplifier technology reached maturity in the seventies, when output transformers were abandoned in solid state amps. Ever since, well designed amplifiers used within their specifications have exceeded human hearing acuity. "

Could someone point me to a source that would help me understand this?  I thought all power amps, even Krells, use power transformers, so he must be saying that less sophisticated amps have two transformers, one of which is on the output stage.  Assuming this is correct, what is the difference in their function, and why is it bad for SS amps to have transformers on the output stage?

Sorry I'm such a newbie, but we all have to start somewhere.