Goldenear Reference Vs. Focal Sopra #2.....pocket the $5k difference and don't look back?

I've listened to both, and each has its pluses and minuses. Unfortunately, I can't listen to them side by side as they are at different dealers.  :-( 
I listen to a lot of classic rock and I'm not sure the Focals are up for the challenge. The Refs sound a bit fuller (to my ears) and I think adapt better to rock music....especially with the built in subs. 
Obviosly the Focal are GORGEOUS and sound incredible...but for $5k ish more?

Im looking to buy one or the other in the next 30 days. Any advise or input would be helpful.


The GE references are overrated by paid magazines and overpriced. I owned the ones and loved them for what they cost me new ($4500)  I heard the reference extensively and did not find them much better to warrant nearly double the price. At that price point, you can do much better. They still use cheap Chinese parts (look and touch the plastic base) and make such a big deal about the “massive steel support 3/32 inch thick” that part is at home deport for a few bucks !! look at that size on a ruler, not a big deal.
Don’t get me wrong, they sound phenomenal, (like the ones) just not worth $8500. buy a pair of used ones for $3500. or if you like imaging, my Spatial M3 triodes beat both in every single category except the lowest bass, IMHO.
Happy listening !!!


I've already discredited the abundance of misinformation you disseminate here:
I listened to Goldenear Reference speakers at my local dealer a couple of months ago. Not to hear the speakers but to hear a Chord Blu MkII. I just don't like the way they sound. Of course just my opinion:)
I listened to Goldenear Reference speakers at my local dealer a couple of months ago. Not to hear the speakers but to hear a Chord Blu MkII. I just don't like the way they sound. Of course just my opinion:)


That is a very fair assessment on your part. And of course, you certainly are entitled to your opinion.  As I too am entitled to mine.
I'm fortunate to have an office above my BBQ joint where I can fit whatever I want- Even my wife has Zero say in what I have. I've heard the Focals but not the GE's- The Focals are very nice but I tend to agree that they are not where its at for rock. Personally, I have different stuff for different material. I listen to everything from Yo Yo Ma to the blues to Black Sabbath and Pantera. If you have the space, I would score the GE's and put the $$$ saved into smaller/stand mounted for the mellower stuff. I have a bunch of JBL for when it's time to wail- L'7s , L100T3s and 4312's. If I blow them up, well, they didn't cost 10k so it wouldn't ruin me. On the other hand I have B&W CDM'9s that were my regular everyday speakers but I just scored a pair of little Sonus Faber Auditors on stands that are just out of this world. I got them for a grand. I think pursuing something like that would give you the best of both worlds and save you some loot at the same time. Just a thought.
I would like to throw this in there too- over the summer I got a pair of Revel Gems and M20s for quite a bargain- I'd never heard anything from Revel prior but did a bunch of reading before plunking down the cash. You will find that many reviews have stated that they will take the punishment of high volume rock and still sound great for more detailed stuff. The ones I have are little but I would agree that. I had a bout 3 months solid with them running daily at work. I've never heard bigger Revels but if I had a reasonably large budget (Focals) I would definitely consider them for the mix