Are you getting ridiculous offers from new members

I've been trading here for over 15 years and just recently I am getting stupid offers and comments on my listings from members who are fairly new, have no feedback, no discussions. Trolls
thanks, I wasn't talking so much about just a low offer, they can offer what they want, but this adds in that I am a scam artist, that my prices are way out of line, that it must be a hoax, that I am no smarter than his horse, etc. AND he was registered under multiple names sending different variations of the above. I blocked him and Audiogon suspended him, but this is the first time I ever received anything like that on this site. Hope it is not a trend.
Member since 2001.  Recent activity is FULL  of low ball offers and insinuation that the item is A: Fake, B: Broken, C: Overpriced like the emperor's new clothes or D:  Sounds so bad that it should be sent to audio purgatory for eternal damnation.  Generally from members of less than 6 months and have zero feedback.  I just ignore them or send a light hearted "get bent".
What I do is ask the low baller what makes him think that his offer is a reasonable one and how he came to that conclusion. Along with the question, I send him links to the same item that has recently sold or are offered for sale on eBay, Craigslist or any other audio sites. I never hear from them again.