Former Tekton owners: What have you moved on to?

I owned the Tekton Lore Reference for about a year and a half and they were great for the price. I ran them with a 50w tube integrated and it was a nice combo. For $750 I had no complaints except perhaps that the paint was cracking on one of the rounded corners. I ended up buying a pair of Gallo CL-2 for an office system on closeout direct from Gallo for $390/pair. After they were broken in I found myself listening to them more than the Tektons after awhile. I was getting addicted to the CDT tweeter.

Based on that experience I ordered the CL-3 refurbished for $650/pair shipped (crazy steal) and they were on a different level than both of the above. Sonically, one defining moment for me was listening to Joni Mitchell, Both Sides Now. (I think the Track was You’re My Thrill. )
During the intro there is a brief flute soli. With the Tektons it sounded like a really nice flute section that was very homogenous sounding and blended. With the Gallos I could hear each individual flute player and their unique tones and vibrato. The bass was also deeper and tighter on the gallos and the imaging was just amazingly holographic and wide and deep.

I know the timing of this is interesting as the Tekton hype train seems to be at full tilt right now with some of his higher models and I am curious to hear them. The 2 things that would give me serious pause and keep me from moving up the Tekton line are 1) the size and aesthetics 2) The very much "in your face" house sound that can get tiring to me.  Just wondering what others have moved on to from Tekton and what they heard that moved them in that direction.
Impact Monitors are broken in. I think they are keepers, but they will likely get periodically replaced in "rotation." Keeps things fresh. :)

If I had to only have one set of speakers for all purposes, somewhat similar situation with Omegas, the Tektons wouldn’t be it. They do sound very good, excelling at many things, and not so much with others. Assuming the Monitors are voiced similarly to the DIs, I personally don’t think they are giant-killing obsolescence-spreading disruptors. However, they certainly could be to some folks, if the things they do well match the listeners’ priorities.

I have no problem with MDF.
Hahaha. 213. 
If anyone needs to get a life it’s you. Been trolling every Tekton forum you can for months and months. You seem to care an awful lot about them for some weird reason. Yes, most speakers are made with mdf cabinets, and yes you continually bash a product you have never heard. You keep talking about cheap drivers and measurements. The tweeters in the Rainmakers cost all of $40 each and there are 1 in each speaker. The mid woofer is another $50 driver. Guess what there are around 14-1,500 in drivers in the DIs. By those, make a cabinet, crossover, shipping, pay taxes and see how much profit is left at $3k.
Back to the Rainmakers. I hate pickin on them but they are caught in the crossfire. They measure way worse than the average Speaker. Way worse in fact than the Enzo Speaker you keep confusing with the DIs. Not saying they don’t sound ok just that it’s a fact they measure poorly. You can kind of see the irony right? Nah probably not. 
I also really want to hear about your vast experience with modifying and “tinkering” with 20k speakers. Blow our minds with your wisdom dude! 
When people post back at your ridiculous comments you complain to the moderator and have them removed. I know you do and many of mine have been taken down. Some were pretty damn funny too! 
@stfoth For me the best part of the DI's is the speedy cohesiveness of the 10" woofers and the 6" mid-bass. I've never heard Impact Monitors but my concern is that they might be missing the core dynamic properties that make the DI good. 

Speaking of speedy, how do the Omegas compare with the Monitor?
Post removed 
@james_w514. That’s one of my criticisms of the Monitor, a bit of tubby boomy bass that I don’t find particularly cohesive. This hasn’t been room or amp dependent. Not entirely unlike some cheaper monitors. It’s the midrange speed and detail; the lively, room-filling sound; and intangible non-fatiguing fun factor that shine for me. Imaging is nice, too, even with less than optimal placement (as long as the music doesn’t have too much bass to get in the way). Adding a sub and crossing over the Monitors at about 70 hz helped, but any semblance of "integration" was a pain.

On the Monitor thread, one of my initial impressions of the Monitor was like a mashup with the Omega RS5 (I have the 3 HO) with an older, smaller Wilson. I know that hardly makes sense, but it’s what I heard. I think that still accurately describes my experience.

The Monitor doesn’t quite match up like the Omegas with low-power SET. I know folks like the DIs that way, but, while the delicacy and tone come through at low, low volume, the monitors (or amps) lose composure quickly and need more, IMO. I was hoping at 91db, they’d work out in a small room. With a bit more power, of course the Monitors outshine in bass volume and detail in the highs. They still have the speed through the mids. With the right, "simple" music, the Omegas still, for me, sound as good as just about anything I have--just a non-critical "rightness." Of course, the Monitors rock out much better.