Once you go 300b it’s hard to go back?

It’s been a while since posting here and total change in my system. I’ve been on the lower power trip and been using a first watt sit2 for years and rotating preamps. I’m now using Omega 1.5 Alinco speakers.  I recently picked up a Line Magnetic 210, a 300b set integreted. I have been loving it. Barley pushing 1 watt according to the meter. Then I purchased some new tubes the Elrog 300b and EML rectifiers. Almost spending more on tubes than the amp it self. I have ignored responsibilities because it’s hard to step away from the music. Everything sounds wonderfully intoxicating.  The simplicity of the integrated, and the lovely glow of sound coming from the tubes. I knew tubes could sound great but really impressed with an integrated amp. 
After some solid state and push-pull tube amplifiers, I recently got into the SET world. Bought a Line Magnetic 219ia using 300B as drivers and the 845 as power tubes.
This is by far the best sounding amplifier I ever had and one of the best I've ever heard. So natural and efortlessly, the music just flows!
I'm going to try some more amplifiers, but I guess it will be hard to beat this one in my setup.

The Bakoon is different from the AA300b. Each has strengths. I could be happy with either. But not ready to swap. 
I understand.  I could live happily with the First Watt S.I.T amplifier I had on loan, but still happier with the current 300b SET.
In my case my Leben CS-300 bettered SAC 300B PP and Yamamoto 2A3 amp. Also I prefer it over First Watt F5 clones power amps I already own.
@gsm18439 cool I live near Vu too and have a preamp and pushpull amp both designed by Pavel.  EL34 but I've borrowed his pushpull 45 amp before and loved it.