Speaker Sensitivity AND Power Requirements

Hi all, I'm considering purchasing a pair of heavily discounted Wharfedale Denton Bookshelf speakers from Music Direct. They are 86 sensitivity. This is for my man cave system the center of which is a vintage Yamaha Cr420 receiver which has a 22 watts per channel power rating.  Would this be a decent match? 22 watts enough?  Thanks in advance.
Generally speaking, In that room 22 watts usually would not be enough with speakers at this level of inefficiency. The thing is, this speaker does not handle a lot of power and in that regard your receiver is a perfect match. So if you plan to be close to the speakers and only using them for background it will work fine.

I have them, along with a pair of Elac Debut 6s. The Dentons will work best if you feed them some power, even at lower listening levels, the dynamics and punch in the midbass will come through. 
Thanks guys, I think Music Direct has a pretty good return policy. Maybe I should get them and see how they work.  Not ready to replace the receiver. It's in mint condition, generally sounds pretty good, and reminds me of my start in this game. 
@zar IMO I would pick up a pair of Klipsch speakers (your choice of model since they will all work well) that way you are good to go with 22 wats per channel or any other amp.