Once you go 300b it’s hard to go back?

It’s been a while since posting here and total change in my system. I’ve been on the lower power trip and been using a first watt sit2 for years and rotating preamps. I’m now using Omega 1.5 Alinco speakers.  I recently picked up a Line Magnetic 210, a 300b set integreted. I have been loving it. Barley pushing 1 watt according to the meter. Then I purchased some new tubes the Elrog 300b and EML rectifiers. Almost spending more on tubes than the amp it self. I have ignored responsibilities because it’s hard to step away from the music. Everything sounds wonderfully intoxicating.  The simplicity of the integrated, and the lovely glow of sound coming from the tubes. I knew tubes could sound great but really impressed with an integrated amp. 
Find a good dealer and do a trial with a Lyngdorf 2170. It isn’t a class A, B or D. It’s it’s own class. As close to a wire with gain as you will experience. But if you like tube distortion, don’t bother. You won’t hear it from the Lyngdorf. Feed it with clean digital, and you’ll hear what was recorded without coloration. Feed it from analog, and you’ll hear what your front end feeds it. Period. Again, if you like the distortion from a single digit watt SET push into distortion, you will not like the Lyngdorf. It will not distort or color anything fed to it. I've auditioned it against low power tube amps and tube pre-powers. It adds none of the coloration those amps add. It was equivalent to taking Windex to a dirty piece of glass to me in comparison. And the lack of dynamics in comparison to a low wattage tube amp was startling. I can't get a grip on what others love of the one watt tube sound. But that's just me, I guess. 
Had tetrode Mac amps, but sold them months later because they were two dimensional and unable to get close to the 300Bs.
Taking advantage of the SET-knowledgeable folks around this thread: I'm looking into 45 or 2A3 stereo amps. Short list being Yamamoto and Triode Lab. Assuming the speaker is efficient enough and high impedance enough to not be a limitation, what do you think of these amps? Other competing such amp I should consider? 

No integrates nor monoblocks, as these will go into a fully active system driving mids/treble, while solid state will drive the bottom end.

Lewinshih01: As I mentioned, I have owned both Yamamoto A-08 and DejaVu 45/2A3 SETs. I liked them both - a lot. Neither was very expensive, and both had good resale value. (I just needed a little more power, plus my 300b SET was custom made to work with a CDP/pre-amp by the same designer.)

djdonis: I wish I had your engineering and musical skills. 

Hi Lewinskih01,
I believe that either of these 2 choices you mentioned would be wonderful and make you very happy. Another option is Aric Audio, they can built you a very fine single chassis SET amplifier using whatever output tube you prefer. Mac48025 who posted earlier has 2 amplifiers built by Aric and he says the sound quality, customer service and built quality are first rate. I definitely trust his assessment having personally meeting him.
You have terrific choices. DHT SET are truly excellent with the proper speaker. Best of luck to you. 