Audio Horizons fuses.... won’t buy them again...

I’ve bought 5 Audio Horizons Platinum fuses a couple of months ago, for my amps, speakers and DAC.
Three days ago, coincidentially, the 5A fuses on my mono amps (Rogue Apollos), blew at the same time on start up. Replaced them with the OEM fuses, and everything works again.
I have a very good electrical installation, with independent lines for each amp, a no surges or anything strange occurred. My speakers, Evolution Acoustics MM3s are always ON, and nothing happened to the fuses on them.
I emailed Joseph Chow inmediately and his response was to send the fuses back to him (at my cost, I live in Ecuador...), to repair them for $70/each, plus shipping.
I have paid $138 for each fuse in October, and no warranty?... what a shame!!!
Won’t buy these fuses again, NEVER!!!
If you pay for your purchase with a credit card most of them double the warranty on your purchase
Maybe Audio Horizons might just practice a bit of "love" as well. No warranty on a  138.00 fuse and a cheerful and presumably empathetic offer to "repair" for the generous price of 70.00 each plus shipping? Some of us clearly get it Geoff. You say don't be a rube, i say don't be a chump to such overt greed.  It's principle not sound. 
Uh, you probably weren’t following the discussion carefully but the customer exceeded the money back guarantee period of 30 days. Duh!
Whatever. You said it yourself. It came with a 30 day money back guarantee. Like almost all fancy fuses do. Don’t be such a baby.