Audio Horizons fuses.... won’t buy them again...

I’ve bought 5 Audio Horizons Platinum fuses a couple of months ago, for my amps, speakers and DAC.
Three days ago, coincidentially, the 5A fuses on my mono amps (Rogue Apollos), blew at the same time on start up. Replaced them with the OEM fuses, and everything works again.
I have a very good electrical installation, with independent lines for each amp, a no surges or anything strange occurred. My speakers, Evolution Acoustics MM3s are always ON, and nothing happened to the fuses on them.
I emailed Joseph Chow inmediately and his response was to send the fuses back to him (at my cost, I live in Ecuador...), to repair them for $70/each, plus shipping.
I have paid $138 for each fuse in October, and no warranty?... what a shame!!!
Won’t buy these fuses again, NEVER!!!
Mr. Chow never asked anything, just asumes that it was my problem, not a pair of defective fuses... almost impossible to believe that two fuses of the same batch blew at the same time... such a coincidence!!! I’m in the 0.01% of the losers group... and the winner is...Mr. Chow!!!
leog2015 OP
43 posts                                                                        12-31-2017 12:14pm

Mr. Chow never asked anything, just asumes that it was my problem, not a pair of defective fuses... almost impossible to believe that two fuses of the same batch blew at the same time... such a coincidence!!! I’m in the 0.01% of the losers group... and the winner is...Mr. Chow!!!

Like I said earlier,
2,629 posts                                                                        12-29-2017 3:16pm

Obviously, no storms, surges, nothing strange happened.
As for voltage surges how would you know? Not all voltage surges are caused by storms.

I notice the input voltage rating for the amps is 115Vac.
What is the avg mains AC voltage at your residence? Is it stable or does it fluctuate?
Does it ever get above 126V?
What was the voltage at the mains power receptacle outlets the day you powered up the amps and the AH fuses blew? I doubt if you know...... Who checks such things.

Am I defending the Audio Horizons fuses? NO. Just giving the guy at AH the benefit of doubt.
Just a guess the 5 amp OEM slow blow fuses that came with the amps have a longer lag, delay, time than the AH fuses.

More than likely the two fuses blew due to high inrush current when you first turned on the amps that particular day. The high inrush current event is caused by the DC power supply charging the electrolytic caps. Do the Amps have a soft start circuit? If not each amp could draw well over 50 amps for an instant when you first flipped the power switch on. Did you wait a few seconds before turning on the second amp? If not you may have created a voltage surge on the mains power utility transformer feeding your home.

At any rate I would say again the OEM fuses more than likely have a longer, lag, delay, time for inrush current before settling back to normal than AH fuses do. That is what a slow blow is made for.

The worse thing you could do is increase the ampere rating of the fuse to a higher size. That will affect the overload protection for the equipment it is meant to protect.


I get the program Geoff loud and clear. What isn’t clear because it hasn’t been made clear is when the warranty clock started and when the fuses blew other than immediately upon installation. Bottom line is IF the tube purchased is the same value as what is specified by the manufacturer why is it failing so early but MOST important to the point I attempted to make, did Mr. Chow even inquire or ask questions or was it no problem, ship them back and I’ll "repair" them at 70.00 each plus shipping. The fuse blew when installed. Clearly this is more than about warranties. What don’t you get about that?

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