Is there any danger in leaving a class D amp on unattended for ten days?

I recently obtained class D (Red Dragon monoblocks) amps.
I have left them on continuously for about a week, and they seem to be improving sonically with every day.  I am planning to be away for ten days starting next week. Is it unwise to leave them on unattended for this period?  
Apart from the scientific articles that the ordinary Audiogon user does not have access to, here is the wikipedia article on auditory/echoic memory:
That’s weird. I can remember what I heard for hours. Days. Even months and years. Freaky! 😳 I must have a photographic memory. 🐘
If you were to take some time and read some of Willemj’s prior posts/ comments you’ll recognize there are numerous unsubstantiated claims. All backed by "science " of course 😊. You are right to be wary.

Kalali I agree with your comment regarding audio components and longevity.
Geoffkait +1