Budget Audience Clone?

I borrowed a pair of Audience Conductor e speaker cables and they sound fantastic in my system. I have been using Canare 4s11 which sound very good for the price, warm and full and reasonable detailed with a slight softening of transients. The audience has brought everything up a couple notches, including separation, detail, bass tightness and air. My question is, are there any budget speaker cables that are sonically similar to audience? I know the conductor e is not super expensive, but there are other life priorities right now. I should also mention that I liked some of the things that Nordost Blue Heaven did for my system when I borrowed them, but I love everything that the Audience does.
I am being offered a 6ft pair of Anticables 3.1 with bananas for $120. 
Might they fit the bill? I also get 50% off of DH Labs retail price. 
Also considering Schmitt, Analysis plus, Kimber. 
Would also do Nordost Blue Heaven Rev 2 if it has a little more body than rev 1. Or a diff model like Red Dawn. 
For $500 and under, I think both Clear Day and Anticables are tough to beat.  I've had both, and they worked great in my system.
CLear Day is new to me. He seems to rec the double shotgun for speaker sensitivities below 93. Anyone tried his single run with lower sensitivity speakers?