Audio Horizons fuses.... won’t buy them again...

I’ve bought 5 Audio Horizons Platinum fuses a couple of months ago, for my amps, speakers and DAC.
Three days ago, coincidentially, the 5A fuses on my mono amps (Rogue Apollos), blew at the same time on start up. Replaced them with the OEM fuses, and everything works again.
I have a very good electrical installation, with independent lines for each amp, a no surges or anything strange occurred. My speakers, Evolution Acoustics MM3s are always ON, and nothing happened to the fuses on them.
I emailed Joseph Chow inmediately and his response was to send the fuses back to him (at my cost, I live in Ecuador...), to repair them for $70/each, plus shipping.
I have paid $138 for each fuse in October, and no warranty?... what a shame!!!
Won’t buy these fuses again, NEVER!!!
Go back through the fuse threads and you’ll see that this argument has already been shot down.

Really!! think about it. Your comparing your new "boutique" $$$ fuse to an old $2 original one that’s seen many turn on cycles from when the unit was new, and is carbon’ed up and bent out of shape as in the pics.
(left is new, right is after many turn on cycles)
You have no argument, all you have is " expectation bias".

Cheers George
Expectation bias, like placebo effect or any other psychological effect you wish to name, can easily be eliminated from consideration as the cause by careful testing and listening. It’s not really that difficult. It’s not rocket science. 🚀 In fact, blind testing is one of the war horses  🐎 of the pseudo skeptics Handbook. You won’t see the detractors ever actually getting down to brass tacks, even their beloved blind testing, as they’d rather fight than switch. I don’t expect to see an apology 😢 coming any time soon from George or any of the other pseudo skeptics. What would they say to the other pseudo skeptics? “Gee whiz, guys, I musta buckled under the pressure.” I’m little surprised the naysayers haven’t pointed to aliens or group hypnosis or even some massive global conspiracy as the culprit.
Expectation bias can be easily eliminated by careful testing and listening. It’s not really that difficult.
And it's obvious that you can't do either, especially when you state they are directional.

All your maybe hearing is an old fuse (pictured) that seen too many turn on cycles, verses a new fuse, you may as well just get a new $2 fuse instead of the $130 boutique one.

Cheers George

(left is new, right is after many turn on cycles)

1 and 2 are good that have not been stressed by overloads or a high voltage transient event/s.

4 and 5 are clearly blown. Discoloration of fuse wire could just be from over heating just before the wire melted breaking the circuit.

I’m not sure about # 3. I would guess it is blown as well at the end cap at the top of the picture.

How about providing the info that accompanied the picture of the 5.
