Let's talk power cords

Does a upgrade really make a difference over a stock cord?
@samac Ha disregard my message which I deleted I never bought the connectors themselves! No wonder it seemed like such a good deal back to the drawing board on that idea.
Ok take two, with gracious assistance from Chis Venhaus, Furutech FP-S032N with gold FI-11 connectors! Well within my budget, sub $500, and still very excited!

Cool, got it. That's a sweet cable you have coming. Where are you going to use it?

I'm putting mine on my amp then I'll move my other Cullen cable to my APC surge protector/pc. I'll then have all upgraded power cables in my system.


@samac Thinking my preamp, my amp has a fixed cord so it's either preamp or DAC trying preamp first.
Agreed jond-
pre-amp first since this the heart of any system.
Happy Listening!