Best amplifier for Tannoy GRF Memory HE

I´ve just bought them and I want to buy pre and power amplifier. Tube or SS? Many people recomend me tube preamplifier and SS amplifier.
Anybody use Pass Aleph amplifier with this speakers type ?
I will apreciate all your suggest.
The Jensen CX120 16 ohm alinco from the late 50s and early 60s. The CX225 has slightly bigger alnico and one inch deeper but not sure how it would sound.

Here is a photo of my speakers

I also have the EV 12TRXB with casted Aluminum frame. They are also great sounding coaxials. I have not had time to make the speaker baffle yet.

In my opinion, the Jensen speakers sound lively and quite transparent plus the sweet mids. They are not as dark as the tannoys.
I've used these the EL84 PP and my DIY 300B SEs and got great result. They are more neutral and you can drive them with almost every amp around 6 to 15 Watt range.

With the tannoys, you will probably need a thinner and cleaner sounding amp to balance out. I've heard the red, silver and gold 15s with Jadis, Canary, and Cary 300B PP. The Jadis is probably the best combo I've heard with the tannoys. The Quad II works but didn't sound as good.
Thanks Chang. The 225 *might* take you a tad lower and sweeter; but not sure about using the same enclosure though...

The EVs: if memory serves SOMEONE is using/has used these on an open baffle and a 200-150Hz tractrix horn. I can't find the link (I may be confusing things too). IF I'm not confusing things, the tractrix loading was superb.
That's quite a few ifs:) Cheers
Hi Gang. Great to see some vintage Tannoy users on this forum. Rdr... nice post and well said. I concurr with futterman here regarding and the OTL amplification marriage,however there are many amplifiers that work well with the big tannoys...both tubed and solid state.In actual's difficult to make the Westminsters sound poor with any decent amplification.I preferr tubes with mine but have heard buddies 70 watt Pass amp [not sure of model] and was very impressed as it does have a nice tight grip on the big woofer.Solid State? My vintage class A 25 watt bedini does make real magic with the tannoy. I used to have a pair of original 25 watt Mark Levinson ML-2 monos. They were far and away the best ss amplification I have used in my rig. That thickness thing in the midbass/upperbass area mentioned above can be completely eliminated with a good solid state amplifier as well as most any of the OTL amps out there. However... there is a better way and a must for the big 15 inch tannoy users that preferr vacuum tubed amplification.Simply remove the crossover from the cabinet and that thick dense colour completely disappears! My pair of Westminsters were factory wired with Van den hul cable... I removed the crossover boards and rewired[with the same van denhul wire] from the crossover taps directly to the 8 omp tap of the amplifier. This little mod is a revelation and not suttle either!It also allows one to bi-amp if you preferr a different amp on the tweeter.It also eliminates the binding posts and speaker wire per se. I have used small set amps from the 3.5 watt 2a3 based wright monos,300b based amps as well as the big 60 watt parrallel 845 set monos from Antique Sound Lab and all of them exhibit a cleaner textured bass resolution with the crossover out of the cabinet. Some food for thought?
S23chang. A very good analogy , you have good ears sir. Although in my experience the 300b triodes are probably the most difficult set amps to voice with vintage 15 inch tannoys due to the 300b's typically softer and bloomier bass range flavour .I also agree that any of the older Jadis p/p amps are simply fabulous with big tannoys. Regarding el-84 based amps????..... I can honestly say I have never heard a el84 based amplifier that I didn't like. Hell... even my trusty old vintage Fisher 400 makes for a very engaging musical experience when driving the Westminster,albeit a rather lumpy bass range but still magic nonetheless. To be candid here: I personally believe the nos 6bq5/el84 power pentode should to be considered one of the best sounding tubes ever produced. Which brings to mind the sensational sounding el84 based VTL tiny triodes. I just cannot say enough about these little beauties when paired with fairly efficient speakers. They are a modern, up to date, simple circuit topology that "bang for the buck" cannot be beat in commercially produced market sector IMHO. Each and every time I hear them they always make me wonder about the other el84 amp offerings out there, like the musical reference,audio notes etc. To be sure... one must spend some serious cash to beat em! I Would love to build one employing some of the great old trannies like the accrosound or perhaps the tangos.
I use the MA2275 and it was the best results of all i have (Krell and ML). This was made to valves.