Classe' SSP-60 Question

i can only get my sub to come on in "cinema" mode. is this the only SS setting that utilizes the subwoofer on this processor? i have went over the manual and settings several times and after the last attempt, my subwoofer wont come on at all. any help is GREATLY appreciated. thanks, justin
Make sure that you have your front speakers set to small. If they are set to large, the processor will only engage the sub in dsp modes.

thanks, i noticed that if i shut the processor off and flip the power switch on the back of the unit, then turn it back on the sub will then kick on. dont know if that means i might have a malfunction? i appreciate the help!
a big thanks to soundsophist! i set the mains to "small" and it worked! thanks for your help folks, i feel like an idiot. i still dont know why i have to shut the processor off and on to get it to work but i will just shut it off every night and as long as it works im happy, and it sounds great! now i just need to save up for balanced interconnects!