A lot of hype about PS Audio, deservedly so ?

Hi, have been reading a lot about PS Audio BHK serie and their top Dac.
Do they deserve all the praise they are given, and do they hit way over their price class?

Also, how is the production quality?
@gryphongryph - - I do hear a faint hiss from my speakers when I am up close to them, but I do not notice it when I am at my listening seat ~8 feet away.  It could be due to the Amperex 6922's I am using.

@lak - - No, I have not had the pleasure to hear the PS Audio system.  I plan to check them out at Axpona this April, but that is probably not the same system as that at HQ.
The PS Audio DAC is upgradable. I started with a PerfectWave and upgraded it to a PerfectStream. The software upgrades are free. I am now using Redcloud. 
gryphongryph said...”I do hear a faint hiss from my speakers when I am up close to them, but I do not notice it when I am at my listening seat ~8 feet away. It could be due to the Amperex 6922’s I am using.”

gryphongryph said...”Do you hear any hiss from your speakers when no music is playing, or does the music come from a pitch black background as they say ?

Kevin Deal addresses your hiss comments.....
Yeah the way they can upgrade the dac is very compelling, I have tubes in my pre section on one of my integrated amps, and planned to get away from tubes in the future, also I have seen Paul recommend changing the tubes every year!! which seams a bit excessive.

PS Audio seams to take good care of their costumers which they are to be applauded for, not many companies excel in that these days.
As in most successful organizations/companies, the tone is set by the person to where the buck stops.  Paul McGowan answers a question sent in by audiophiles/customers every day and posts a video of it on the PS website.  It is all information based and he has the humility to admit that he is not an expert in all issues dealing with audio.  He will tell you that in his answer and where you might look for an even more informed information.

Another refreshing characteristic is that he will use as examples, instances in the past where he had it wrong and what or who enabled him to see the light on a particular issue.