What’s in your system today that you also had 10 years ago?

For me, it’s only my turntable, an LP 12, though I did have a Kore installed in 2015 so it’s not quite what it was 10 years back. 
ESS AMT Monitor speakers
Shure VI5 type 3 (different turntable)
Sony 400 CD changer
Original Kef 105 for the past 26 years
Mission 774 arm 30 years
Garrard 401 10 years
Revox A77 2 track 20 years
a Lot: Sony TAE86b pre, Bryston 4b ST, Stoet 2 300b monoblocks, Michell Gyrodec, SME 309 arm......
My Basis Ovation turntable, my VPI HW16.5 record cleaning machine, my Merrill Stable Table and my Seakay Line Rover.  I had to downsize when I moved 4-1/2 years ago or there would be more that stayed the same.