Dynaudio vs Harbeth vs ProAc

To quote U2 I still haven’t found what I’m looking for...
Special 40 vs Compact 7ESIII vs Response D2...Considered Ref.3A De Capo BE's but recently heard a BE tweeter and prefer silk and the finish is not what I want...Borderline small/medium size room,well treated and being driven by tubes...Musical taste all over the map with normal listening levels including an occasional ear clearing session...Value decent imaging and staging with an organic tone that allows you to feel the wood of a cello or violin,the stretch and leading edge thump of well recorded drum skins...Not a bass head but need a bit more than current Excite X14’s offer...
Well I found myself in downtown Seattle yesterday and managed to put together 5 hours of speaker demo's..Heard the C7ESIII & PMC .22 I think it was,both driven by Primaluna...Harbeth was HUGE coming from Excite X14's and with some of my music just seemed a touch too civilized and the magical midrange about the same as the Dynaudio's,not for me..PMC's showed me how TRULY WONDERFUL the Excite X14's are..
In another store I heard the Special 40's driven by a SimAudio integrated and again was gobsmacked at how good the little Excites are.I see moving to the S40's as a slightly sideways move so their also out of the running..Going through the rather large selection of used gear I listened to a pair of Kestrel Hot Rods and Response 1SC's but the real jewel was tipped over sideways and covered in dust.A pair of Nola Boxer's(original series)...The cabinets were beat to hell but the drivers were perfect so I gave them a listen with the Primaluna and oh man did they sound good...Just enough of what the baby Dyn's do with a dash more of the golden glow I'm looking for..Not quit enough bass and the treble isn't as sweet as the Excites so I'm looking hard at the Boxer 2(NOT the 2s)which in my room should hit a solid 40hz,work perfectly with my amp and the stands I already have and offer more of the sweetness on top and better resolution with the series 2 drivers...
 Now waiting on Nola to see if there is a stocking dealer anywhere near.If not I may just order a pair based on reviews and what I heard yesterday...
Just after posting update above I got a call from an honest to goodness brick and mortar Nola Dealer about an hour south of me.I had seen a demo pair Boxer 2 listed on his website and left a message expecting a call during business hours Monday.
 Sorry but the demos were sold..Since I was a 2 hour trip away and since I would have to wait a week or so for delivery Burt(owner)offered my choice of finish(Gloss Cherry),new in sealed box at the demo price!!!Done deal!Gloss Cherry Boxer 2 INCOMING!!!
 I can not wait to hear them with the Quad amp,I have a feeling I might finally be getting off the merry go round(well except for finding the perfect headphones now)...
Congrats on your new speakers I'm sure the anticipation is killer! Never heard them but at one point I had a pair of Alon, Nola's previous name, Lotus SE's that I quite liked. Happy listening!