Still looking for speakers in the 10-20,000 range

I’ve heard Proacs, Personas 3 and 5, Ryans, Wilsons, Wilson Benesch, Monitor Audios, B and Ws and several others in the 10-$20,000 range.  My favorite so far is the KEF Reference 3.  I would consider the Reference 5 but, as I’ve posted before, there is no place to hear them within 400 miles. Still plan to hear the Focal 2 and 3. Unless I love the Focals, I'm inclined to either go with the KEF Reference 3 or wait a couple of months (or more) to check out the new Magico A3.  My room is 24x18.  I have Audio Research electronics and 20 plus year old Proac Response 3.5 speakers.  It’s been a long process and I’m not sure if I’ll be relieved or disappointed when it ends.  Hard to decide if the Magico’s are worth waiting for.  Thoughts?
Thanks everyone.  Like many of you, I have to consider the WAF. That’s a problem with the German Physiks.  The only Vandersteen dealer within several hundred miles only stocks the Treo CT and below-the speakers which don’t have a powered subwoofer (thid would be an issue anyway because we have no power source near the speaker location). Would the Treo CT compete with the KEF Reference 3 and the other speakers I’m considering?   Still would love to hear the KEF Reference 5 but, as I’ve said before, those also aren’t available for audition within several hundred miles.  I’m tempted to pull the trigger on the KEF Reference 3 since they have become the standard I compare everything else to-and so far have come out on top for me. 
Nothing you’ve mentioned comes close to the Legacy Audio Aeris. And... there’s a like new pair on the for sale forum. Quit agonizing over it... and... just be done with it... with the best sound you’ll ever hear for the price... or... maybe, just... ever hear, regardless of price.
+1, if you get them set up optimally with the Wavelet.  I heard the Aeris in TX, manually tuned for the room with the older Xilica processor, and the sound was just OMG awesome.  I've never heard that sort of mid range authority and clarity.  We played this Boz Scags cut where he sings pretty low and the hair on the back of my neck stood up.  At Lone Star Audio Fest last June, there was a cut with a huge sounding baritone sax on the left channel that similarly astounded me.

That said, I've also heard them when it didn't seem like the setup was very good, and they were not as impressive.  But the potential for the price is awesome.  If I could figure out how to integrate them into my receiver based system, I'd buy that set.
Go listen to the Treo CT
i can assure you the level of engineering in that box equals anything KEF can do
nothing wrong with KEF
as for no power outlets
decent electrician couple of hundred bucks each
full disclosure I am a happy Vandersteen 7 owner with a set of Treo CT on order
i could have gone North in the product line but figure the subwoofer would just $&@&$ ! Off the downstairs neighbors....
enjoy your quest

My serious recommendation would be the Spatial Audo X2 open baffle speakers for $9600.  I have their smaller M4 Triode Master speaker and love them.  The X2's are super efficient and go pretty much flat down to 20Hz.