DAC or streamer? Which one is impacted by technology improvements?

I am contemplating upgrading my setup with a streamer, DAC and hifi. I am concerned what is impacted by tech changes. Say I want MQA in a few years or another new technology. Is it the streamer or the DAC that must master a new technology? 
Perfect advice from @audioengr :

If you don't have a system that delivers live sound for 16/44.1, then I would recommend to work on that first.
Many thanks, Steve, 

Very helpful.

I am not trying to solve "world hunger" :-) , but was more into the balancing between streamer and DAC. 

I have streamer that supports  24 bit/192 kHz (Raumfeld) and a DAC (V-DAC from Musical Fidelity), but both a low cost and I miss some dynamics. So I am looking for an upgrade and was wondering, where to put the money. 

Okay, I would recommend upgrading the MF DAC.  Also, your streamer would benefit from my Synchro-Mesh reclocker and my BNC coax cable if you are using S/PDIF coax (RCA adapters).  Jitter is ~20psec.  This is the cheapest way to get a world-class digital feed.  You can use it with your CD Transport as well and switch between the two.  Here are some jitter plots:


You might look at the popular DACs right now in the lower price ranges, including Shiit, Ressonessence, Chord, Aqua etc..  Look at the reviews at audiostream.com

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

For me the next big thing will be a dac that streams with a direct Ethernet fiber input. Until then I would spend more on a dac you like and less on a streamer as there are good very cheap options from the chrome to the bluesound. Just my take.