Still looking for speakers in the 10-20,000 range

I’ve heard Proacs, Personas 3 and 5, Ryans, Wilsons, Wilson Benesch, Monitor Audios, B and Ws and several others in the 10-$20,000 range.  My favorite so far is the KEF Reference 3.  I would consider the Reference 5 but, as I’ve posted before, there is no place to hear them within 400 miles. Still plan to hear the Focal 2 and 3. Unless I love the Focals, I'm inclined to either go with the KEF Reference 3 or wait a couple of months (or more) to check out the new Magico A3.  My room is 24x18.  I have Audio Research electronics and 20 plus year old Proac Response 3.5 speakers.  It’s been a long process and I’m not sure if I’ll be relieved or disappointed when it ends.  Hard to decide if the Magico’s are worth waiting for.  Thoughts?

Did you ever get a listen to the Focal Sopra 2 or 3, or Legacy Audio Focus SE or Aeris?   Focal also just came out with Kanta no. 2, which is getting rave reviews.  It is not a huge speaker, but the overall sound quality is said to be off the charts.  I'm currently considering Focal and Legacy.  Beryllium tweeter vs AMT ribbon type tweeter.
Again, I appreciate all the helpful suggestions.  In response to some comments/questions:
-I heard the Focal Sopra 3s and liked their full bodied sound and am still considering them- but also hoping to hear the KEF Reference 5 in the same price range, which is not available anywhere near me. 
-Someone asked why I specified a price range in my initial post.  I agree that price and sound quality aren’t necessarily related.  But speakers can sell for $100 up to $100,000 or more. In general, I think it’s safe to say that a $100 speaker won’t compare to the $100,000 one.  OK-that’s an extreme example but in general I think a $20,000 speaker will out perform a $5000 one. Of course, there are always exceptions.  Also, with literally hundreds of speakers on the market I think it helps to narrow down the parameters.  Whether you’re seeking advice on this board or visiting a dealer, you can’t consider everything available so size, sound characteristics, price and other things help to limit the many possibilities. 
-Several people have suggested speakers from small companies which are not widely distributed and not available for audition in my area (I’ve checked on every one of the suggested models). Even some speakers from larger companies-the KEF Reference 5, the higher end Vandersteens and Revels-aren’t stocked by anyone in my area.   Manufacturers can be strangely unhelpful. I’ve called Revel three times and sent them two emails with no response. Obviously, I’m not going to consider a speaker I can’t hear.   By the way, I’m not in a small town but in a major metropolitan area. It seems like most manufacturers require dealers to purchase their products before the dealer can stock them.  It’s way out of my knowledge but I don’t understand why manufacturers don’t loan more expensive products to dealers in order to promote sales, knowing that products which aren’t stocked won’t sell very much. Dealers around me just won’t invest in $10,000 plus speakers since there seems to be a limited market for them. 
-Bottom line-I’m still looking and listening.  It would be nice to hear the Revels, Vandersteens  and KEF 5 but I’m not prepared to get on an airplane.  I have a short list but still remain open to suggestions. 
what city do you live in?  I know when I was going to get a new set of speakers, I ended up getting teh Vandy's from a dealer in NJ, Audio Connection.  They are nearly 3 hours away.  For a few other speakers that I wasn't going to drive that far for, I found folks online who offered to have me listen.  I actually have let a lot of folks over to audition gear that I have.  Have made a few friends that way also.  

I actually have found that a couple of companies had 'dealers' in areas that didn't show up on their sites.  
Heard the Focal Kanta No.2’s with Naim reference gear and I was smitten immediately!  It’s been about 40 years or so since I’ve heard a speaker render dynamics, bass definition, midrange presence with a top end that is natural and full of unforced detail.  Owned many of the brands mentioned here, but none impressed me so deeply as did the Kanta’s.  Gonna have to buy them...oh, and the looks are groovy baby, yeah!!  A-3’s are another metal tower with a tweeter on top.  The Kanta Time alignment and Quasi D’ Appolito array seem to really blend the sound naturally.  So warm, defined and tonaly exquisite:)
I need to go to the local shop again to hear the Focal's. I have a lot of friends who love them. I used to own a pair fo their Micron's back in the day, when they first started to sell their own speakers.  A close friend has the Sopra 2's in his office system and swears by them.  

Every time I've heard them at various places, I haven't 'gotten' them.  There comes a time when I feel it's not just a bad set up for me, but I'm thinking that has to be it.  I'm brutal on speakers and feel 'hifi'ish', but folks who's ears I know and trust seem to really like them.  

Btw, if you haven't had a chance to listen to the Vandersteen Treo CT, which is a bit less than the Kanta 2, it would be a good comparison.  I have a feeling that the reason I may not 'get' the Focal's is that I don't love the Beryllium tweeters on any of the speakers I"ve heard them on.  I've only heard a diamond driver sound good on the Tidal's too, so that's just me and my ears.  It's sure a nice looking and well built line of speakers.  I even took one of their models' home a few years ago as I was close to getting it, but in the end, it wasn't what I wanted.  I felt badly for the dealer as he had to lug them to and fro, lol. (with MS, I Cna't even help move empty boxes, lol. 

Glad you like them as that's the only thing that matters in audio as we all hear so differently.