Allow myself to introduce...myself

Hi folks, I got into audio after college back in the early 2000's, managed to scrape together a GAS Thalia MK I preamp, NAD 2400 amp, and a rich guy gave me his SOTA Sapphire turntable with Sumiko Blue Point Special. Built a pair of Adire Audio MTM's and I had a pretty good rig on the cheap.

Well, I still don't have any money but I'm also still in love with music. Looking for some ways to upgrade without spending a fortune. I do like old gear and analog is my preference so that helps. I have a nice stack of wax, mostly old jazz and bluegrass, a bit of classical and rock. 
Welcome to this interesting and informative site! Regarding upgrades I recommend replacing the Adire's with a used pair of DCM Time Windows. They offer a significant improvement over your present speakers and can be bought cheaply! I paid $219 + shipping for mine (the third pair I've owned!).
Welcome! coldducktime
there has never been a better time to get into this wonderful hobby.
Much gear is avail on the used/demo market. Watch this site, as well as, eBay and US Audio Mart every week. If you are fortunate enough to have local dealer/retailers, visit regularly and listen to as much gear as possible.
Have fun.
Happy Listening!
Post removed 
Thanks for the suggestions everyone. 

Regarding my generous budget, it is somewhere in the many tens of dollars. My first career as a woodworker left me broke and I couldn't afford to improve my rig. Now I've changed careers, but with my background a good set of DIY speakers would be a breeze for me. 

My first step might be to get the Sumiko BPS retipped, at some point a small child or cat broke it, I've been limping along with a red Ortofon. The GAS Thalia has gotten a bit noisy in one channel, even after cleaning all the pots and contacts. I'm sure it's repairable but I wouldn't mind something new. 

I don't know where all the used hi-fi shops went, I would love to spend a day auditioning some gear. I live in the SF East Bay so if anybody knows any secret hole-in-the-wall shops please let me know.