Allow myself to introduce...myself

Hi folks, I got into audio after college back in the early 2000's, managed to scrape together a GAS Thalia MK I preamp, NAD 2400 amp, and a rich guy gave me his SOTA Sapphire turntable with Sumiko Blue Point Special. Built a pair of Adire Audio MTM's and I had a pretty good rig on the cheap.

Well, I still don't have any money but I'm also still in love with music. Looking for some ways to upgrade without spending a fortune. I do like old gear and analog is my preference so that helps. I have a nice stack of wax, mostly old jazz and bluegrass, a bit of classical and rock. 
Check out my rig in Virtual Systems. Click on my name and click Details to get an idea of the more frugal route to great sound. 
^^^  noromance ...

Love that vintage system. If I were starting over, I'd go for one of the rebuilt classic turntables with the custom plinth. I have a couple of friends who have done so ... and those tables interject life into the music that has to be heard to be believed. 

Thanks @oregonpapa
The thing is it does NOT sound mellow, laid back and "tubey". It’s pinpoint, neutral, and crystal clear with good resolution and unbelievable bass (for Quad 57s)
Your SOTA is still just that with some TLC
they still make and service that model for a reason.... change that last
and pay it forward by giving it away ( just like how you arrived at it )
speaker cabinets are more than fine woodworking but have at the DIY sites or maybe re veneer any number of great and affordable speakers - for example the DCM Time windows might look smashing in an all wood cabinet, ditto Vandersteen 2, Thiel came with nice cabinets as did Snell, Dunlavey
maybe rebuild and upgrade some Dalquist, etc