Velodyne Digital Drive Series subwoofer in stereo

Hi, I've been very interested in running two subwoofers in stereo (diff. signals to each subwoofer); I've heard many people swear by this setup.

My next room for my system will be 14' x 14' x 18' high ceiling loft living room. My question is, will two DD10 be enough to fill the room with organ music and scare me out of my seat for movie tracks? Should I move up to two DD12s? Money is not really an issue, but I'd like to save wherever I can.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks,
Much of this conversation boils down to whether or not you believe that sub-80hz bass is directional. I don't believe that it is...and my experience has born this out. Therefore, the notion of stereo bass below 80 is meaningless to me. I suspect that most manufacturers feel the same way, and this is evidenced by their inclusion of the THX standard 80hz crossover point. need to bother if you can't hear the difference.Just enjoy the mono string plucks.:-)

Good listening
I can put my hands on each driver simultaneously
and feel them vibrate at different times on the same tracks. I suppose the subs only think their receiving a stereo signal as well. LOL