Magneplanar MG-1.7, MG-3.6R or Sonus Faber Liuto - Advice needed.

I have a pair of 1.7s that I like a lot.  But I've got the never satisfied urge to find the next step to musical bliss.  Would the Sonus Faber Liutos be a significant step up?  Should I buy MG-3.6Rs?  I'd appreciate any help from people who have experience with these speakers.  Thanks
If it were I and I liked the Magneplanar sound, I would move up the line.  You won't get that same kind of presentation with a Sonus Faber speaker or any other box speaker.


I concur w/ stereo5. I have heard Maggies and SF Liuto in the same room, same gear. Both were fine presentations. I cannot get into the planar "sound".

Happy Listening!

I was in a dealership owned by a friend of mine , listening to 1.7's which I liked .
Friend told me Rega RX3's would smoke the Maggies for the Classical Music I listen to .
Same  excellent room , same placement, same Mac system = he was right !
I have two pairs of speakers. Magnepan .7’s and Sonus Faber Cremona Auditor M’s. Both sound great, great but different, in my dedicated listening room powered with all-tube electronics.  At one point I had a pair of Liuto monitors which were excellent- the Auditor M's are simply better.  They darn well should be given their price.  :)

 The Maggies are easier to position because they interact with my room less than the SF’s. I use the "limage" technique for positioning the .7’s- about 5’ out from the front wall and about 7" to the outside edge of the panel from the side wall. Toe-in is about 1.5". Soundstage width and depth is enormous.

My wife with the golden ears prefers the Maggies because her hearing is especially sensitive to the upper frequencies. I have to agree. Both of us find the Magnepans to be closer to acoustical "live music." The SF’s do pinpoint imaging somewhat better than the Maggies. They do rock better than the Maggies, but not by much- again just different.

I use diffusion behind the Maggies and absorption behind ,and to the sides of the SF’s.

I love being able to swap my speakers every few months or so. If I absolutely had to make a choice, I’d probably sell the SF’s.

The only time I’ve heard Rega RX3 speakers was in a showroom. I thought the tweeter was rather "unrefined" sounding.

Hope this helps a bit.