Infinity Kappa 9's sound terrible...HELP

Recently I got a pair of Kappa 8's. Plugged them into Adcom 860 preamp and to an old HK Citation 16, GFA-555 and GFA-565's. They sounded...beyond my wildest dreams! Absolutely amazing!

A week later I bought a pair of Kappa 9's. Was really excited thinking they would out preform the k-8's! Plugged them into the same system and they sounded like crap. Tried running each k-9 to 1 GFA-565 and bi-wire them, changed all knobs to flat, experimented with the adjustments on the back of the k-9's in every conceivable position, ran them in standard and extended bass modes...and they still sounded terrible!

Has anyone experienced this before? Any tests or checks I can do to eliminate any doubts of anything? If I can't resolve this on my own, I guess I'll have to take the speakers somewhere...if I can a reliable source between the Philadelphia to Harrisburg, PA area.

Also, if any can suggest any good techs between the Phila and Harrisburg area for amplifier rebuilds (Adcom GFA-555 II models) I would also appreciate getting a name and address.

Thanks guys...appreciate your help!

Mitch4t is correct, I had a set of Kappa 8's and then 9's years ago. I ran the 8's with Bryston 3b's bi-amped and the sounded great. Then I upgraded to the Kappa 9's with thies amp's and the speakers did not preform at all, they sounded withheld and a harsh top end. I did not know what was wrong with them, I heard and read that they need lots of power so I bought a pair of Bryston 4bST's and the speakers came to life, I had a large living room at the time so I also had to play with the positioning as well. they where definitely a superior speaker over the Kappa 8's. Then I bought a pair of Infinity Reference RS1b's and found out the same way that I had to upgrade the power again.
Before I sold my Kappa 9's I tried my Conrad Johnson Preimer 5's(200/ch-85lbs each)mono block tube amp's on the top end and my Perreaux 5150b (500/ch@8ohms-1000@4ohms-140lbs) on the bottom end, their was a big difference again in the sound from the Bryston 4bST's. The bass was aw-some out of them, the mid was smooth and the top was clear and sweet. So of course i demoed the 9's with the big amps to sell them.

I have found with these big infinity speakers, that you have to have a big rooms, position them away from the corners and form the back walls. You have to spend money on high power big current amp's, other wise you will not get the benefit's out of them.

Good luck and have fun with them,
If the crossover netwok is in great condition you should notice that arnie designs all loudspeaker with tube eletronics. Most customers were satisfied when they used a tube amp
Hi All,

so so I have fallen almost all the way down the Infinity Kappa rabbit hole...  I am now the proud owner of Infinity Kappa 7's, 8's and 9's.  I started at 7, jumped to 9 and have kinda landed on 8.  7's do a bit better imaging as they are more simple 3-way, 8's are pretty close on the imaging but feel more effortless, airy, inviting. The Kappa 9's suck!  Honest.  I am using a Carver Sunfire Signature which I believe is 625watts x 2 into 8ohms and should be more than enough but I've also have used in bi-amp configuration a Behringer Europower Ep4000 which I believe is 2000watts x 2 into 2ohms (class H) and a Crown XLS1500 (class D) 775watts x 2 into 2ohms. Using this in a bi-amp configuration I can almost get the 9's to sound reasonable, but not good.  In general the 9's are all midrange (polydome mostly) and nothing else? Can anyone tell me what the steps are for troubleshooting the 9's?

The previous owner had the polydomes recovered with that silly transparent silicone material and I have since dropped in the 4ohm Western Speaker replacements and have swapped in some of my Millersound polydomes. Both of which are way better than the silicone Polydomes. The previous owner also refoamed the woofers himself.

So why am I getting no bass and all midrange? Am I correct that I am using enough amp to drive these?

...I just don't understand why the 9's sound so much worse than the 8's and 7's. Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Usually the issue folks have with the bass on the Kappa 9s is the the woofers are wired wrong. The should be wired in series. The positive wire will go to the + terminal of the first woofer then a short wire will go to the - terminal of the first woofer and then to the + terminal of the second and of course the negative wire will go to the - of the second woofer.
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